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General Discussion>New iPhone OS 3.0
Blueface 04:32 PM 03-19-2009
Surprised I haven't seen anything on this here.
This is some great news.
The video is worth watching.
Very nice presentation.

Can't wait.
uncballzer 06:39 PM 03-19-2009
Lifehacker and gizmodo have done some good reviews. Here ya go:
ashtonlady 07:23 PM 03-19-2009
Looks good.
CaddoMoney 05:58 PM 03-23-2009
I've been running it about a week - it's a bit buggy at times, but once everything gets worked out and it's released, it will be a phenomenal update.
ToddziLLa 07:42 PM 03-23-2009
Really looking forward to it!
688sonarmen 08:44 PM 03-23-2009
I could look or just be lazy is this going to update the itouch as well?
688sonarmen 08:54 PM 03-23-2009
Ok I looked. I bought a first gen itouch 32g the day before the 2nd gen came out after the dude told me but I love it.
tenbaseg 05:59 AM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen:
I could look or just be lazy is this going to update the itouch as well?
There will be an update to the iTouch, but similar to last time, it will cost a few bucks.

Too bad most of us have to wait until the summer for the update.