Aladdin Sane 09:37 PM 03-17-2009
theonlybear4CORT 09:51 PM 03-17-2009
Aladdin Sane 10:09 PM 03-17-2009
Tonights episode wil not be available until tomorow...I'll post the link then. Just thought someone saw it realtime with me
theonlybear4CORT 12:09 AM 03-18-2009
I just saw it
:-) man I could go for a Dom 6 pack rite now.
markem 12:44 AM 03-18-2009
just saw it
weak as far as rants go
could have shown a pic with a nub, but apparently that was too much work for his staff
lame, lame, lame and then some
BeerAdvocate 12:16 PM 03-18-2009
chippewastud79 12:43 PM 03-18-2009
Sam Leccia has actually advertised this on a different site, he must think that this would be 'advertising'. I guess all press, is good press.
GKitty 12:45 PM 03-18-2009
i didn't really think it was a 'rant' that much
ChicagoWhiteSox 01:00 PM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
just saw it
weak as far as rants go
could have shown a pic with a nub, but apparently that was too much work for his staff
lame, lame, lame and then some
Fumes 01:31 PM 03-18-2009
This took me by surprise when I saw it on the show last night. It was basically a visual joke, but you gotta admit, the Nub is a funny looking cigar.
Sawyer 01:33 PM 03-18-2009
WildBlueSooner 06:07 PM 03-18-2009
poriggity 06:41 PM 03-22-2009
funny looking or not, I am a fan of the Nub, and Sam is one cool dude to hang with!