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General Discussion>It's been a privilege.
icehog3 12:24 AM 03-18-2009
You have done so many wonderful things David, both for the Troops overseas and for the members of both CS and Cigar Asylum...they will not soon be forgotten. :-)

I wish you and your wiife the best in finding meaningful employment soon, and hope that we will continue to have you here as one of our finest members.
kaisersozei 06:50 AM 03-18-2009
Best wishes for a quick "job recovery", David, and thank you for all of your hard work and effort in supporting the troops :-)
SNKBYT 07:11 AM 03-18-2009
sorry to hear about the "bad times", as stated so many times above...hope you have a quick recovery to a better life......and thanks for all you've done with he Troop Support programs both here and at CS.......I for one am grateful for all the support and dedication from people like you who make "Cigar Nights" possible for troops like me overseas
Don Fernando 07:18 AM 03-18-2009
I hope you find a new job soon David!
Sailchaser 07:48 AM 03-18-2009
Thank you for all your efforts and generosity that you gave freely from your heart. That form of dedication is the highest form of Humility that one can have and the most rewarding.
The jobs will come and our families prayers are with yours
Mr.Maduro 08:30 AM 03-18-2009
Your hard work and dedication has brought the troop support program to a whole new level. I’m very proud to have witnessed the amazing effort you have put forth for this worthiest of causes. I’m praying and hoping that the support and generosity you put into this program will come back ten-fold to you and your family during this hardship.

newcigarz 08:35 AM 03-18-2009
It has been an honor to work with you on this program.
I wish all the best to you and your wife. I hope the future is brighter.
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