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>Buena Park California
06:48 PM 03-16-2009
Is Buena Park California close to anyone here? I may be there the end of April, slim chance, but the opportunity has come up.
07:30 PM 03-16-2009
I use to work in that city but moved away some time back. Knotts Berry Farm is there and you should grab their chicken dinner on Sunday,,,excellent!!
Savor the Stick
09:44 PM 03-16-2009
I live in Anaheim right next door.
We should get together for a cigar when you are here.
Pm sent
11:53 AM 03-19-2009
PM Sent! I will let you know if it works out!
01:02 PM 03-19-2009
Oh yeah, seconds on going to Knotts Berry Farm for the chicken dinner. Go a bit earlier because the line can get very long.
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