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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar related projects
livwire68 03:31 PM 10-16-2008
I am always messing around with something, so I will post a few pics of projects I have done. I know there are many others out there so feel free to post your project! Anyhwere from a in home lounge (hopfully soon), man cave, guitars to something artsy.
A project my Wife did.

livwire68 03:32 PM 10-16-2008
Some more!


livwire68 03:33 PM 10-16-2008
And a wine one

AriesOpusX 03:34 PM 10-16-2008
That jewelry box is pretty sweet! Awesome projects.
Don Fernando 04:38 AM 01-15-2009
nice craftmenschip Coy
livwire68 04:40 AM 01-15-2009
Wife did the jewelry box, I did everything else. She did one for me, for belt buckles and my crap. :-)
Agent11br 09:20 AM 01-15-2009
nice work!
md4958 09:41 AM 01-15-2009
those are all great... thanks for sharing!
WhoDeySchenk 09:47 AM 01-15-2009
Those are sweet looking, never would have thought of any of those
ActionAndy 10:10 AM 01-15-2009
Those clocks are a really good idea. Great work
zmancbr 10:15 AM 01-15-2009
Very nice. :-)