Darrell 10:04 AM 03-16-2009
I have heard in the past that the fluid which is put in the traditional Zippo has an effect on the taste of a cigar when it's used to light it. Is this the case? If so, why? I know it's butane and I don't understand what properties it has which cause it to make the stick taste funny as opposed to say Vector or Lava which are also butane and recommended for usage in lighters when smoking cigars.
I ask this because I've seen a lot of cigar smokers lately using a traditional Zippo and they swear it has no ill effect on the cigars flavor.
NCRadioMan 10:11 AM 03-16-2009
It's not butane it's naptha. As long as you let it burn a few seconds, you can't really taste it, in my experience.
taltos 10:13 AM 03-16-2009
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
It's not butane it's naptha. As long as you let it burn a few seconds, you can't really taste it, in my experience.
:-) My only problem with using a traditional Zippo is that the flame tends to cook my hand by the time the cigar is lit if it is windy out.
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
It's not butane it's naptha. As long as you let it burn a few seconds, you can't really taste it, in my experience.
I used a regular ole Zippo all through the 70's and 80's - didn't start using butane until the 90's really. My everyday lighter though here on my desk is a standard Zippo, although I do use the newer "low odor" fuel in it.
Kreth 10:26 AM 03-16-2009
Just blow out through the cigar before you start smoking it. I've even used cheap Bic lighters before. You can also get a butane insert for the Zippos.
bazookajoe 10:32 AM 03-16-2009
Darrell 10:33 AM 03-16-2009
Thanks for the info fellas. Just to be clear, I have no interest in using a Zippo. I'm a die hard Blazer fan, I just heard it messed with the flavors so wanted to see if their was some special flavorless fluid or something.
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Thanks for the info fellas. Just to be clear, I have no interest in using a Zippo. I'm a die hard Blazer fan, I just heard it messed with the flavors so wanted to see if their was some special flavorless fluid or something.
It's an old wives tale as far as I'm concerned. Then again if a person is one of those who can taste the seven year old burnt Madagascar vanilla deal - then I guess that same person could detect it.
dunng 11:35 AM 03-16-2009
Not sure... I use the Z-Plus insert so I cannot talk about the standard insert.
doctorcue 11:40 PM 03-16-2009
Originally Posted by RGD.:
Then again if a person is one of those who can taste the seven year old burnt Madagascar vanilla deal
Wait you can't??? I thought everyone could. No wonder CI wouldn't give me a RMA for all these flavored sticks I've been buying.
BamBam 08:11 AM 03-17-2009
I have heard that the newer fluid (fluid produced after the 75th anniversary) is a new formula that is actually geared towwards the cigar smoker. It is supposed to not give the fluid taste.
I bought it and tried it a while ago and I don't remember a distinct fluid taste.
Nabinger16 09:46 AM 03-17-2009
The newer "Black" fluid is a low odor fluid. I've lit a few sticks with it and I've never been taste it.
the new stuff is oderless i used to use it to light my pipe before i got my old boy