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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Oliva Connecticut - bad review of a good cigar
CBI_2 08:42 PM 03-13-2009
Excellent review. :-)

Can't wait to try one.
icantbejon 09:52 PM 03-13-2009
I generally don't like Connie's either, but as this is an Oliva I'm very tempted to bend my opinion. I haven't been let down by an Oliva yet, so I'm sure this stick won't be the first. Great looking dogs. Great review, I can get down with your rating scheme cause it's a lot like my own. I just need to know whether or not to buy the thing again.
ReggieFSULaw 11:00 AM 03-29-2009
I'm smoking my first one. Finally go one from Club Habano in Tampa. So far so good.
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