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General Discussion>Any MacBook Air owners?
replicant_argent 04:38 PM 03-06-2009
It looks like it might be a fairly good platform for what my wife needs a laptop for, and we are thinking that it might be a good choice other than a new aluminum MacBook, thought I might pick a few brains if possible.
I think the Remote disc is a novel idea, and the lack of the optical drive isn't really a hassle unless you wanted to watch a movie on the spur of the moment. You can get the air superdrive if you want to carry an optical drive and you are still at a package of notebook and drive under 4 pounds. She is a teacher, so a Mac is the best choice as far as a platform and compatible with her software at school for grades and such and seamless integration.
Stog-a-Boy 04:54 PM 03-06-2009
I don't have one, but have played around with them alot at the Apple store and really like them. And you can get an Apple Refurbished one for $999.
Blueface 05:55 PM 03-06-2009
Only thing I don't like about them is the limited hardrive, along with the external CD/DVD.
I would think that is a hassle to need it and have to lug it.

However, if you don't need a larger hardrive and want something thin and light, no doubt the way to go.

I would go with the new MacBook myself over the Air.
loki 06:01 PM 03-06-2009
I just picked up a new white macbook and I love it. it's a little bigger but for what I need it for (pretty much what your wife needs it for) I'd pick the macbook over the air
replicant_argent 07:36 PM 03-06-2009
Just got back from the store. I have the white macbook myself, and it is a fine machine. We looked at the new unibody macbook, and it really looks like that for the extra couple hundred bucks over the 999 refurb mac air, a new unibody is the best choice, a bit more robust, and quite a bit lighter than the old version (like mine). The unibodys are 4.5 pounds, and the white ones are 5.0, which is a pretty nice reduction. I looked into the .me program, and that also looks like something that would be well worth the investment for what Beth and I do.
Blueface 07:33 AM 03-07-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Just got back from the store. I have the white macbook myself, and it is a fine machine. We looked at the new unibody macbook, and it really looks like that for the extra couple hundred bucks over the 999 refurb mac air, a new unibody is the best choice, a bit more robust, and quite a bit lighter than the old version (like mine). The unibodys are 4.5 pounds, and the white ones are 5.0, which is a pretty nice reduction. I looked into the .me program, and that also looks like something that would be well worth the investment for what Beth and I do.
I have mobileme and it is indeed nice but I still have the jury out on the $99 per year crap. I just renewed it and I guess still sore over the fee.