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Sports>Two words
ks92xj 05:48 PM 03-01-2009
ROCK CHALK!!!:-):-):-)
mikeyj23 05:54 PM 03-01-2009

Rock Chalk!
:-) MU
WildBlueSooner 08:06 PM 03-01-2009
2 Different words...
JaKaacH 10:02 PM 03-01-2009
JaKaacH 06:50 PM 03-07-2009

Kansas Jayhawks celebrate their fifth straight Big 12 Conference regular season championship
Dgar 01:58 PM 03-09-2009
Okay from a bitter Tigers fan, just kidding!, sort of.....

Whats up with the "Rock Chalk" I mean it sounds scary and all but someone enlighten me, thanks.....

I love March Madness.... Hope to see another finals like last year, edge of your seat, overtime whew, just a slightly different outcome. :-)
JaKaacH 10:33 PM 03-10-2009
Originally Posted by Dgar:
Okay from a bitter Tigers fan, just kidding!, sort of.....

Whats up with the "Rock Chalk" I mean it sounds scary and all but someone enlighten me, thanks.....

I love March Madness.... Hope to see another finals like last year, edge of your seat, overtime whew, just a slightly different outcome. :-)
Teddy Roosevelt pronounced it the greatest college chant he'd ever heard.
Dgar 12:49 PM 03-11-2009
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
Teddy Roosevelt pronounced it the greatest college chant he'd ever heard.

Thanks, I did a little research after asking the question... Now I have to call Teddy on that comment, Because we all now the greatest college chant of all is..

Pork chop Pork chop Greezy Greezy we can beat em' easy easy.

from Wiki,
KU's world famous Rock Chalk Chant evolved from a cheer that a chemistry professor, E.H.S. Bailey, created for the KU science club in 1886. Bailey's version was "Rah, Rah, Jayhawk, KU" repeated three times. The rahs were later replaced by "Rock Chalk," a transposition of chalk rock, the name for the limestone outcroppings.