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Entertainment>Debbie Downer videos
s15driftking 12:19 PM 03-01-2009
Funny, Old SNL skits...

You know its funny when the actors cant not laugh.
icehog3 01:39 PM 03-01-2009
Hysterical stuff, especially the first two where Sanz, Poehler and Fallon can't keep it together. :-)

s15driftking 03:50 PM 03-01-2009
i laugh out loud whenever i watch them, the disneyland one is the best. I also think it was the first.
Jbailey 04:09 PM 03-01-2009
Yeah Fallon always had a hard time keeping a straight face.
BigFrank 04:13 PM 03-01-2009
Good stuff right there, I work with a guy like that...
goalie204 04:52 PM 03-01-2009
horatio sanz was one of my favorite snl players after farley. Fat guys are always so funny. My sense of humor is in my fat cells, not my genes.
dunng 07:18 PM 03-01-2009
Best of Will is on now... :-)
s15driftking 05:44 PM 03-09-2009
i saw that best of Will, that was amazing!!!
WildBlueSooner 06:19 PM 03-09-2009
One of the few recent skits that I truly think is funny!
s15driftking 04:10 PM 03-25-2009
bump for the non-believers
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:12 PM 03-25-2009
good stuff:-)
kelmac07 11:11 PM 05-24-2009
Funny as hell
pnoon 12:30 AM 05-25-2009
Nice review.
icehog3 03:09 PM 05-25-2009
Meow meooooooow.