Funny, but implausible. Sorry for the buzz-kill.
Viagra has a "time to peak blood level" of approx 60 minutes (30-120 min range). It has a half life of 4 hours. So, by 12 hours it would have been down to 1/8 its original concentration. Further, he would have experienced the dangerous side effects at that peak time one hour in. Now, it would probably be an excruciating head-ache, flushed skin rash...and a decreased blood pressure. But, probably not enough to kill him, just enough to stop the orgy.
While it is always possible he had a heart attack for any number of other reasons, the use of the viagra would probably be only loosely corelated.
Then again, the guys name is: that pronounced Tug enough or Tuggin' off?
Me thinks this is a tongue-in-cheek piece.