Hardcz 08:12 AM 02-26-2009
Just wanted to throw out there that Aaron (lostark374) has a birthday coming up. March 22nd.
He really wants a cheese burger and fries for his birthday. He likes Hardees/Carls Jr.
Just wanted to throw that out there... Please see me for any details.
Happy early birthday Aaron!
Siebec 08:19 AM 02-26-2009
icehog3 09:22 AM 02-26-2009
filly, Jason_B and ja3480 all have birthdays on March 4th. March 11th brings us birthdays for Barrythevic, MarkinCA, cre8v1 and Greasy001. jgros001,nozero, BP22 and Andyman all have their special day on March 15th and then March 31st brings us Birthday greetings for Cigargal, Mystophales and Seanohue.
pnoon 09:23 AM 02-26-2009
Maybe you should start of thread for each of them, Tom.
icehog3 09:31 AM 02-26-2009
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Maybe you should start of thread for each of them, Tom.
But I just saved us 15 new threads.
Hardcz 09:57 AM 02-26-2009
Cigargal 11:21 AM 02-26-2009
What a fine class of people share March birthdays-very auspicious
Hmmm looks as June being the "get married" month produces a lot of action in March.
:-) Happy Birthday All!!!