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General Discussion>Looking for decent Web Design for Musician
ambientboy 03:29 PM 02-25-2009
Anyone out there interested in doing webwork? My designer moved to Brooklyn, scored a big gig and bailed on me. PM me links to your stuff if you're interested and we can talk money if I think you're style clicks...
JE3146 04:09 PM 02-25-2009
Dan...... Whatchya need help with?

I don't have any sites still up, but I can tinker with just about anything :-)
ambientboy 04:36 PM 02-25-2009
Basically I'm looking for a music site, with a player for samples, a bio page, contact page, and blog-style news page.
mikeyj23 06:57 PM 02-25-2009
Check out , and - all my friends of mine, and all the same design/hosting/service - - seems like what you're looking for, and I think they're pretty darn classy sites.
ucubed 10:24 PM 02-25-2009
what jordan said
King James 10:26 PM 02-25-2009
I know that Ron (RGD) does some web design stuff....maybe shoot him a PM, too.
JE3146 07:15 PM 02-26-2009
Originally Posted by ambientboy:
Basically I'm looking for a music site, with a player for samples, a bio page, contact page, and blog-style news page.
I can do that stuff no prob Dan.

If your web host is PHP capable and has mysql I can set it up so you can modify the main page without ever needing me, through a control panel.