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All Cigar Discussion>Ever had your taste buds crap out on you?
MTB996 07:35 PM 02-20-2009
So, I've been thinking that I have had terrible luck with cigars tasting stale and funky lately. Now, I think it is actually me and not the cigars. I had a cold/flu about 2-3 weeks ago and am physically over it, but I think my taste buds are not. Almost every cigar I have lately is really weird tasting - sort of sweet, stale, mild. Its somewhat like that flavor profile of cigarettes when you have a head cold, but nearly as bad.

Weird, as I have felt 100% for well over a week, just can't get my taste back. Anyone else experience this?
King James 07:40 PM 02-20-2009
it happens to me from time to time.... just need to take a bit of a break. Definitely happens after shack herf
ucla695 05:51 PM 02-21-2009
Yeah, I've had it happen to me. Take a little break and your taste buds will be back in action.
thebiglebowski 07:16 PM 02-21-2009
same here. about once a year, i'll go through a period of 'wtf... ?' whether it's due to illness, weather, frame of mind, who knows? same for my booze, food, sense of smell, etc. i think it's probably typical. my wife's the same way.
c2000 07:21 PM 02-21-2009
Going through that now,, some sort of crud I picked up and cannot taste or smell anything..

Jerry in Minnesota.
BORIStheBLADE 09:43 PM 02-21-2009
I noticed it too. After being sick my taste buds are still wacked out.
DocLogic77 10:27 PM 02-21-2009
Yeah it does take time...but something I suggest is using either a saline nasal spray (with a good jet stream) to properly irrigate the nose and sinuses...or better yet use a netti pot. I am planning on writing a post on how to use these and why I think it could be beneficial not only for smokers with recent colds...but also to those "nasal blowers" who really enjoy tasting a cigar through the nose. IMO, cleaning your tasting tools properly should really help develop and maintain your palate.
DBall 07:12 AM 02-22-2009
Originally Posted by DocLogic77:
I am planning on writing a post on how to use these and why I think it could be beneficial not only for smokers with recent colds...but also to those "nasal blowers" who really enjoy tasting a cigar through the nose. IMO, cleaning your tasting tools properly should really help develop and maintain your palate.
Do it, Shawn, and lemme know when it's done... I think that would be a hell of a useful read! :-)
Clampdown 08:41 AM 02-22-2009
It happened to me day three of Shack 08, but i kept smoking. :-)
tobii3 10:13 AM 02-22-2009
I've been accused of having lava for taste buds....does that count??

Buena Fortuna 10:16 AM 02-22-2009
I don't taste Buds...I taste Mic Ultras
Posted via Mobile Device
CoroHo 10:07 AM 02-23-2009
I took Zicam once and my tastebuds flatlined for most of a day. Scared HELL outta me! I did some Interwebz research and found out I wasn't alone by a long shot.
neoflex 10:45 AM 02-23-2009
I see you are from NC. Do you suffer from allergies? Could be part of the problem along with the cold. My wife suffers from allergies since moving here and she has been a mess the last couple weeks which I think was brought on by the week or so of 70+ weather. Stuff starting to bloom early etc etc. Just a thought but allergies could play a big part on your sense of taste or lack there of.
pnutbutrsangwich 10:57 AM 02-23-2009
Originally Posted by CoroHo:
I took Zicam once and my tastebuds flatlined for most of a day. Scared HELL outta me! I did some Interwebz research and found out I wasn't alone by a long shot.
Throw that Zicam **** out. That effect can be permanent! I tried it for a while and liked the results, but heard scary things about it. I'll never use it again!
Magma 03:09 AM 02-24-2009
My taste buds have been flatlined ever since I tried to quit in 07. I coudn't stay away and just had to smoke one, maybe two..or ten. I picked up a premium smoke(I can't really remember which one) and it felt like "this is what I should've been doing" but I couldn't put my finger on any of the flavors, tones, undertones etc. ANYTHING!

I figured it's because I need to retrain myself and go back to the begining by reading reviews and even my own old reviews while smoking that particular cigar and tryign to compare them but nothing came up :-)

Opportunies to smoke are near zero atm and have been that way for a good while. Makes me sad.
CoroHo 10:04 AM 02-24-2009
Originally Posted by pnutbutrsangwich:
Throw that Zicam **** out. That effect can be permanent! I tried it for a while and liked the results, but heard scary things about it. I'll never use it again!
I did - trust me! I read about a professional chef who lost her sense of taste permanently. Can you imagine?