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All Cigar Discussion>A question on them bunsen burner thingies...
WWhermit 10:28 AM 02-16-2009
...from a non-cigar smoker.

An avid pipe smoker here. I was at a friend's house that is "getting into" cigars. He has this thing that looks like a bunsen burner to light his cigar with.

He tells me that you should light a cigar with a lighter, and never puff on a cigar while lighting. He just holds it over this burner like he's roasting a marshmallow.

Any truth to this, or did he get taken for a sucker? I appreciate any info from you gents.

NCRadioMan 10:56 AM 02-16-2009
Sounds like a table top lighter like "The Burner" from Alec Bradley. They work very well.

As for lighting, everyone has there own preferred method. Some toast the foot slowly until it is fully lit and others, like me, just light and go. 90% of the time anyway.
HK3- 11:12 AM 02-16-2009
I always "toast" the foot before drawing on the cigar. I never draw a flame directly into the cigar because I fear it will overheat the cigar.
WWhermit 12:49 PM 02-16-2009
Very interesting, I learn something new every day.

Thank you for the info!

Snake Hips 03:40 PM 02-16-2009
Sounds like "The Burner" yeah. I hate it.
Tredegar 04:20 PM 02-16-2009
If I have a torch I toast the foot. If I use a match I just light up and go for it.
greenwit 05:03 PM 02-16-2009
It's good for torching big ring sticks but don't use it much anymore. Actually is was originally designed as a Crème Brulee's a soft flame which means that wind blows it around real easy and it's almost impossible to see outside.