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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>what can I use for shelves??
eber 10:35 AM 02-12-2009
I have a 28 bottle vino and my friend made me three shelves out of luan with a spanish cedar veneer, however after letting them sit for over a month the smell of the contact cement is still strong after having them in the vino, I am worried that the smell will affect the cigars. can I use just luan with slots or holes drilled for shelves? I know spanish cedar is important but I store only boxes and some singles in a tray in there so there is plenty of cedar in there already. If not luan, what are some other suggestions, or if you have any experience with the contact cement smell please let me know as well

bobarian 11:32 AM 02-12-2009
I use 1/4 cedar cut to length.

I use 1 long piece per shelf, leaving space between the pieces for air curculation. You can fit 3 but then you need to cut holes and buy extra cedar.

Otherwise, nothing wrong with the wire shelves.
poker 11:35 AM 02-12-2009
gettysburgfreak 11:52 AM 02-12-2009
using the wood from woodcrafters I made my own. Cost me 60 bucks and about 10 minutes worth of cutting. I cut two boards to size and glued to smaller pieces to each end making a rectangle which allowed them to slip in the slots easy and it has a large center hole for air flow.
pmp 01:14 PM 02-12-2009
I've gotten it from as well. This comes in 5/16" thick planks. Its very aromatic.

Spanish Cedar
ChasDen 03:28 PM 02-12-2009
Originally Posted by poker:
Thanks for the plug :-)

Next round begins in a few weeks.

Mtmouse 10:25 PM 02-12-2009
You can try some of these places in your area.


Or me.:-)
eber 04:10 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by Mtmouse:
You can try some of these places in your area.


Or me.:-)
yeah I tried those places minus the madison one and all they had was extremely warped, check your PM
Mtmouse 04:22 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by eber:
yeah I tried those places minus the madison one and all they had was extremely warped, check your PM
lightning9191 05:50 PM 02-13-2009
I just went to Lowe's and bought some oak planks. I cut them to size and slid them in. They work fine as long as you don't have a strong desire for cedar.
eber 08:08 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by lightning9191:
I just went to Lowe's and bought some oak planks. I cut them to size and slid them in. They work fine as long as you don't have a strong desire for cedar.

that might be my best bet, like I said I really don't need the cedar because I have all boxes in there already, so oak is okay to use?
lightning9191 09:24 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by eber:
that might be my best bet, like I said I really don't need the cedar because I have all boxes in there already, so oak is okay to use?
All of your cigars will be in boxes right? I don't see a problem as long as they don't contact it. The oak shelves have no to little smell to them. I picked up the 1/4" thick by 6" wide planks and cut two for every slot that way I could leave a gap for air circulation.
eber 10:16 PM 02-13-2009
Yeah they will all be in boxes or cedar trays none of them will come in direct contact with the oak
MNSmoker 10:25 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by Mtmouse:
Or me.:-)
Tim's shelves rock! I just placed my second order with him for my second Vino. :-) Here's an old picture, but it shows the profile of the full height shelves and the trays. If you would like additional pictures, let me know.

Bruzee 10:49 PM 02-13-2009
I too have Mtmouse's shelves, and love them. They are worth the extra chedder IMHO. :-)
acarr 10:58 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by Bruzee:
I too have Mtmouse's shelves, and love them. They are worth the extra chedder IMHO. :-)
Me three! The unfinished cedar gives a lot of surface area to help regulate humidity quickly. Especially after opening the door.
TXRebel 11:10 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by eber:
I know spanish cedar is important but I store only boxes and some singles in a tray in there so there is plenty of cedar in there already.
Just use the wire shelves that came with the vino.

Originally Posted by Bruzee:
I too have Mtmouse's shelves, and love them. They are worth the extra chedder IMHO. :-)
Originally Posted by acarr:
Me three! The unfinished cedar gives a lot of surface area to help regulate humidity quickly.
+4 for Mtmouse shelves
eber 11:38 PM 02-13-2009
thanks for all the input guys, I will probably be getting some nice shelves and drawers like mtmouse's or chasden's later on when I have some extra money, maybe sooner if I get some $$ for the birthday next month
lostark374 11:55 PM 02-13-2009
why not use black or clear Acrylic its easy to work with and pretty sturdy. and wont screw with your RH.and doesnt absorb anything.