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General Discussion>Anyone running a VNC server on Vista?
AD720 04:22 PM 02-11-2009
I'm running Vista Ultimate on my laptop and my go-to REALvnc isn't compataible (at least the free version isn't).

So I'm running UltraVNC and not having much luck connecting...

Any tips?
RBOrrell 07:55 PM 02-11-2009
Are the ports open?
dunng 08:01 PM 02-11-2009
Try killing the firewall... or open the ports like recommended above. :-)
AD720 08:03 PM 02-11-2009
Yea, all the ports/firewall were right but UltimateVNC did not play well with Vista even though it was supposed to, beyond not letting me conenct. Ended up causing a BSOD/restart loop. I had to go into safemode and remove the program manually.

I ended up biting the bullet and downloading the pay verison of RealVNC that works with Vista. I got a 30 day free trial and it is only $30 after that (inside my company's Petty Cash reimbursement window:-)).

All is well now - I can take my sleek new Macbook on vacation instead of my big-ass company Dell!