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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Savinelli Liga Especial
DaBear 04:56 PM 01-30-2011
Picked up one of these at the local B&M for around $6 out of curiosity since I didn't know Savinelli made cigars. Figured the unseasonably warm temperature was reason enough to come out and light up a stick(67 at the end of January is a little bit much)

The inital draw is smooth, and right at my perfect resistance. I taste dry hay as I light the cigar, with lots of thick white smoke coming out. The hay quickly turns into a more nutty flavor, reminding me of a Perdomo Lot 23 maduro with a little less body. There's a slight chewiness to the smoke as well, another characteristic that reminds me of the Lot 23. Overall not too bad a stick as I reach the first inch. The ash is a nice pure white. The nuttiness is beginning to subside to a peppery flavor, still maintaining the chewiness. The burn is beginning to get a bit uneven as I round the 2 inch mark with the pepper subsiding to the nuttiness again, I was probably just puffin away a little bit too hard. I'm also beginning to notice the draw tightening up a little bit as well. The ash finally lets go around the 2 inch mark too. About a half inch later the spicyness picks up again and the draw loosens back up. Around 3 inches in a light nutmeg-ish flavor shows up replacing the pepper and the burn has evened itself out. The nutmeg begins to fade leaving the nuttiness as the only flavor again. Nothing new to report as I get down to the nub.

Smoke time: ~1 hour
Overall rating: 7/10. This cigar is just about how it looks, nothing special, a solid smoke. Won't be making it into my rotation, but I'd pick up another further down the road. Surprisingly a Mild-Medium body despite being a Nic puro. I'd suggest trying it as a morning smoke after breakfast with a cup of your favorite brew.
jdawg 11:55 AM 02-01-2011
Nice review! :-)