Number 10) They are nice to touch, smell, lick and play with.
Number 9) They never ask if you think they are fat.
Number 8) They patiently wait for you to give them some attention and never complain that you don't pay them any attention unless you want to smoke them.
Number 7) They never say, "not tonight, it's the wrong time of the month."
Number 6) They don't make you watch "Ghost Whisperer" and cry at the sappy ending.
Number 5) They always get hot every time you want them to and never say, "don't mess up my new hair do".
Number 4) You can enjoy them when you are alone, or with friends and they never complain on fishing trips.
Number 3) You have to spend money on them to get them, but you always get something back from them you enjoy.
Number 2) They will never say they are leaving you but you are the one who has to get out of the house and give them three/quarters of everything you own.
Number 1) I've never had to send flowers and apologize to my cigars after getting drunk and telling their younger sister she looks like a **** star and I have a camera in my car at their parents Anniversary Party.
I do Love my Cigars
:-) Git R Smoked
Why I love that my husband smokes cigars:
Number 5) When it's that time of the month I can say, "leave me alone! Go smoke a cigar or something!"
Number 4) I get a lot of Saturdays free (HERF days) to do my own go shopping.
Number 3) When he spends money on cigars I get to spend money too.
I've never had to send flowers and apologize to my cigars after getting drunk and telling their younger sister she looks like a **** star and I have a camera in my car at their parents Anniversary Party.
Number 2) If he ever said that to my sister I could get rid of him and sell all of his cigars.
Number 1) I have made a lot of new friends on this board.
I had to put a nice one in there somewhere. I love my BABOTL's!!