I don't want to stir anything up but I would like to add this:
People are offering their
opinions based on their experiences;
they are not attacking you or your beliefs. You can choose whether or not to take any of the offered advice. You can ignore the advice now and change your mind later and take it. Or not. It's all up to you.
Regardless of your choice, people will continue to offer their opinions and you can offer yours. I cannot see anywhere in this thread where anyone is offering offense. If you are offended please try to keep in mind that (IMHO) no one intended to offend.
There are a lot of people who like KL and there are a lot of people who like other humidification devices. This is the real world and humifiication it is kind of like discussing religion and politics.
Just my
P.S. You have a great looking humidor and I hope you get many years of enjoyment from it.