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General Discussion>And that's how many Hot Dogs???
RGD. 06:43 PM 08-08-2009
New York Hot Dog Vendor Evicted . . .

This hot dog vendor was paying almost "$643,000 per year for the vending rights near the museum steps."

Damn. Now just some basic fast math: $643,000.00 / 365 days = $1762.00 per day. Don't know the cost of a hot dog there but I paid $3 in DC outside of DAR Constitution Hall a month ago. So $1762.00 / 3 = 588 hot dogs per day. If the guy works a 12 hour day it comes out to abut 49 hot dogs per hour. That's roughly 1.6 hot dogs every two minutes.

And that's just to pay rent. Does not include the cost of supplies or any profit.


kelmac07 07:58 PM 08-08-2009
That is crazy!!
Rabidsquirrel 10:21 AM 08-09-2009
There's a few breakfast/lunch carts here in Philly that make over $600,000 a year. They get something like 72 dozen rolls a day.
ucla695 10:23 AM 08-09-2009
That's insane!!
Rabidsquirrel 10:54 AM 08-09-2009
Yeah, this is a very popular spot that happens to be in front of a few hospitals.
Don Fernando 10:54 AM 08-09-2009
appearantly he didn't sell enough hotdogs, with a $310.000 in open bills.
RGD. 11:09 AM 08-09-2009
Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel:
There's a few breakfast/lunch carts here in Philly that make over $600,000 a year. They get something like 72 dozen rolls a day.

I just find the whole thing incredible. At 72 dozen that's over 800 hot dogs a day. That's in excess of one per minute, every hour for at least a 12 hour day.

beamish 11:16 AM 08-09-2009
WildBlueSooner 01:57 PM 08-09-2009
Originally Posted by beamish:
:-) Good a lord thats a lota money!
Skywalker 02:55 PM 08-09-2009
Think about what kind of money they are bring down inside the museum???

Seriously, how do they write his rent into their budget??? Legally???
