These cigars are blended by Daniel Nuņez to create a more robust blend compared to the Cohiba red dot from the Dominican Republic. These Cohiba's are in no way affiliated with the Habanos flagship Cohiba from Cuba. The filler contains Nicaraguan ligero and Dominican piloto cubano ligero and the binder is a Connecticut broadleaf while the wrapper is a sungrown Sumatra from Ecuador. Now this is my first non Cuban Cohiba and judging on past experiences with non Cuban Bolivar's, Punch and Partagas, I don't have high expectations, even though I know I ain't a cigar snob.
This 5x50 cigar has a beautiful dark and oily wrapper with one big vein and some spots. The construction feels firm but evenly firm. The predraw is good and I taste some pepper and tobacco. The cigar has a nice band and a firm hay smell.
I taste a full coffee flavor with some dry wood but the coffee almost instantly disappears. After an inch and a half I taste wood with some earth flavor and a tiny bit of chocolate.
A little over halfway the wood disappears and I taste a bit of an ashy earth flavor. After ⅔ I taste wood again, but with an ashy taste to is.
The smoke time of this cigar is about 90 minutes. I got a decent amount of smoke which was a bit thin. The draw and burn are good and the light gray ash is quite firm. This cigar is mild to medium flavored and medium bodied.
Would I buy this cigar again? Nah, there are better cigars out there, especially for the price
Appearance: 7 / 10
Construction: 7 / 10
Draw: 7 / 10
Burn: 7 / 10
Smoke & ash: 7 / 10
Aroma first part: 6 / 10
Aroma second part: 6 / 10
Aroma third part: 6 / 10
Nice review, I have stayed away from nc Cohibas because there are so many better cigars for the price, but I got handed a Cohiba red dot last week. It was a good smoke, but not at $12+tax, for what looked like a petite robusto.
I had a thing from JR, a leather red dot cigar case with 3 various shade 5x50s in it.
While not strictly true, I basically tossed the case in the drawer and the cigars in the
trash. I ordered it FOR the case, to give away. I think I got 5 bucks each for the
cigars, actually 6, cause I soaked a guy for $20. I think he still felt ripped off.
And while I am not a snob either, I don't think of this as a cigar I would enjoy.
Well....not MUCH of a snob, anyway.