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Tea Reviews>Lapsang Souchong
Emjaysmash 07:08 AM 02-06-2011
Lapsang Souchong (also known as Russian Caravan) is a black tea from the Fujian province in China. This tea is smoked over a fire of pine needles and has a smokey flavor with hints of pine and earth. I tried this tea with and without honey, and I'd recommend it with a bit of honey as it seems to round it out a bit more and compliments the smokiness well.

As far as what cigar would go with this, I would suggest a bold/robust cigar, possibly an Escencia or Illusione. I would not, however, suggest one drink this with a cigar they have not smoked before. The smokiness in this tea lingers in the mouth for a long time, (in fact I can still recall the taste exactly) and can/will overpower any subtle flavors you might be looking for in yoru cigar.
Marcello 04:06 AM 12-03-2013
Always been a favourite of mine. My grandfather used to brew a pot of this. I don't think he would have an Escencia or Illusione, something lighter, perhaps a Quai d'Orsay or something.

You say you can still recall the taste of the tea. As I can I, and the smell of the cigar, if not the taste of that too...
Robulous78 05:46 AM 12-03-2013
Will have to look into finding a blend like this, Thanks for the review :-)