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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Quorum Maduro - Corona
bruceolee 06:43 PM 01-25-2022
I'm gonna do a more formal review of these later but i picked up a bundle for an everyday cigar and decided to try the maduro wrapper for a change. it has all the regular quorum toastiness and breadiness but with the maduro wrapper you get some more sweet tobacco and pepper. I usually start every day with a quorum shade but i'm really enjoying these maduro cigars now. I know it's just a cheapie but it's still not a bad cigar for what it is. anyways, i'll do a formal review with pics later, maybe tomorrow after my doctors appointment. God bless you all!
borndead1 08:36 PM 01-25-2022
I smoked quite a few Quorums (all wrappers) back in the day. I remember them being decent smokes for short filler bundle cigars. IIRC, I liked the Shade line the best.