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All Cigar Discussion>Cigars for my first child
Darrell 12:17 PM 02-14-2010
Originally Posted by duckmanco:
I'd go with something super stout that will age nicely, rather than go bland in a few years time. To fit that bill, look into La Flor Dominicana

Coronado by La Flor
Litto Gomez Diez smokes (super potent, but excellent cigars)
LFD Limitado smokes also
LFD DL Chisel even.

If you plan on smoking these for years and years to come, I would def. look into these.

Oh and congrats man, life as you know it now is OVER, but in the best way possible.
Go bland in a few years? You obviously have never smoked an aged Sir Winston. :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 12:23 PM 02-14-2010
Im with everyone on the Sir Winstons:-)
South Shield 02:13 PM 02-14-2010
Thanks for the responses, looks like Sir Winstons
duckmanco 10:10 PM 02-14-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Go bland in a few years? You obviously have never smoked an aged Sir Winston. :-)
I meant in general terms, wasn't talking about the Sir Winstons at all, and you are right, I have never smoked one. My point was to just advocate getting something, anything, with enough oomph to take well to the aging, if the Sir Winstons fit the bill, then so be it.
Robert Mabona 10:16 PM 02-14-2010
Originally Posted by duckmanco:
I meant in general terms, wasn't talking about the Sir Winstons at all, and you are right, I have never smoked one. My point was to just advocate getting something, anything, with enough oomph to take well to the aging, if the Sir Winstons fit the bill, then so be it.
very good point and advisement on the "aging potential".
bobarian 10:26 PM 02-14-2010
Originally Posted by duckmanco:
I meant in general terms, wasn't talking about the Sir Winstons at all, and you are right, I have never smoked one. My point was to just advocate getting something, anything, with enough oomph to take well to the aging, if the Sir Winstons fit the bill, then so be it.
While I love LFD's and Litto's, there is no empirical evidence that NC smokes will age with anywhere near the grace of a Cuban cigar. Strength of cigar has no bearing on its aging potential. However, there is a strong body of evidence that Cuban cigars, even mild marcas such as Por Larranaga and ERDM will shine with 10-20 years of age. :-)
duckmanco 12:03 AM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by bobarian:
While I love LFD's and Litto's, there is no empirical evidence that NC smokes will age with anywhere near the grace of a Cuban cigar. Strength of cigar has no bearing on its aging potential. However, there is a strong body of evidence that Cuban cigars, even mild marcas such as Por Larranaga and ERDM will shine with 10-20 years of age. :-)
Not much empirical evidence that cuban cigars have grace either

wait for it, wait for it....flame suit ON! But seriously, taste is subjective, just offering up an idea.
South Shield 12:10 AM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by duckmanco:
Not much empirical evidence that cuban cigars have grace either

wait for it, wait for it....flame suit ON! But seriously, taste is subjective, just offering up an idea.
I agree, but the day I see someone post a review on a 20 year old Arturo Fuente Hemingway will be the first.
hotreds 09:07 AM 02-15-2010
Well, since it's a child, I'd suggest something mild...... oh, wait a minute.... I get it- sorry! Never mind!

I'd agree with Sir Winstons!
maverickdrinker 09:26 AM 02-15-2010
I would suggest:

2010 ELs, particularly the montecrito canonazo size

cohiba VIs or lanceros

Congratulations man!!!!
Skywalker 11:50 AM 02-15-2010
:-)Congratulations to you, Travis and your wife!!!:-)
whodeeni 12:08 PM 02-15-2010
Are you serious? Ashton VSG's, Opus X, Padron 45's, LFD's..., The new Liga Privada Line I know id don't know you yET, but imma have to watch you! *lol*:-)

Originally Posted by Zanaspus:
Only NC I can see making sense would be Cain.

TheRiddick 01:46 PM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by South Shield:
I agree, but the day I see someone post a review on a 20 year old Arturo Fuente Hemingway will be the first.
Last year I finished the last few of 1995 Padrons I bought way back then, they smoked really well and I only wish I had stashed some more away. As someone who has been aging cigars for quite a long time now, I can only state, WITH empirical evidence, that good, quality Nicaragua smokes, DO age as well as ANY Cuban cigar out there. And given my experience with Nicaraguan cigars I see no reason why any other quality cigar, regardless of region of origin, should not age and develop as well.

If the OP is settled on Sir Winston Churchill, great. But let's not go off tangent and make claims with no basis in reality, or rather, "I heard from my neighbor's second cousin's teacher's father's friend, who heard it from...".

Cigar's power has nothing to do with ability to age.
icehog3 03:38 PM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
I can only state, WITH empirical evidence, that good, quality Nicaragua smokes, DO age as well as ANY Cuban cigar out there.
I might take issue with the "ANY", but that's just my empirical experience. :-)
Bubba - NJ 04:01 PM 02-15-2010
I would go with the Sir Winston over the Esplendidos any day of the week . As for a review on a 20 year old Hemingway , when I get some fresh Hemis I smoke through them pretty quickly . They just don't last with me , love them fresh from the cigar shop . I'm sure somebody somewhere has some stashed away for ages sake . :-)
TheRiddick 04:53 PM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I might take issue with the "ANY", but that's just my empirical experience. :-)
Well, I did have a few really "old", 30-35 year old Cuban cigars, some even machine rolled, and they did age really impressively, IMO. Any good quality stick should be fine with age, that's all I am saying.
TheRiddick 05:11 PM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I might take issue with the "ANY", but that's just my empirical experience. :-)
Also, the biggest "issue" with Nicaraguan smokes' Aging is that they are mostly "johnny-come-latelys" and as such really have no "track record" save for Padron and JdN. And looking at what is available these days coming out of Nicaragua, better and much better when compared to Padron and JdN, IMHO, I only see a huge upside to their ability to age. But, hey, as is your slogan, Smoke what you like.
icehog3 10:00 PM 02-15-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
Well, I did have a few really "old", 30-35 year old Cuban cigars, some even machine rolled, and they did age really impressively, IMO. Any good quality stick should be fine with age, that's all I am saying.
Gotcha now, Greg. :-)
Cyclone 11:15 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by CasaDooley:
2010 Limited Edition Series

Montecristo Grand Edmundo Robusto Extra: June/July

Partagas Serie D Especial Robusto Extra: June/July

Trinidad Short Robusto T Petit Robusto: June/July

These are the limited editions slated for release this year and might be a good choice if you can wait until they are released. just a thought.:-)
I went the EL route when my son was born in July '06...

In my case, it was Partagas SD #3 EL ( June '06 )...

I broke down though... I smoke them on Father's Day and his Birthday... too bad they are only ~6 weeks apart....

Congrats on the impending arrival!!! :-)
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