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Entertainment>Burn After Reading - thoughts?
muziq 05:58 AM 10-27-2008
Went to see it last night with the gf. Anyone have particular thoughts about it? Before going, I scanned through a review which termed the film a "screwball black comedy," which I find somewhat true but a little off the mark because there wasn't enough screwball in it to place it in the same class as the main film against which it was compared--Arsenic and Old Lace. I'm real hit-or-miss when it comes to the Cohen Brothers' films, and this one was a near-hit.
The Professor 06:18 AM 10-27-2008
I think the film is a big experimental joke/critique (a satire, if you will) on Hollywood. I don't want to throw spoilers out in case others still haven't seen it; but there are a couple of points (especially toward the end) where Joel and Ethan get very self-reflexive and comment explicitly on the film. I think you *could* read the rest of the film as such commentary similar genre films, perhaps the genre, and the industry itself.

But that's my generous read ... and I'm a Cohen Brothers fan. :-)
zmancbr 09:17 AM 10-27-2008
I thought it was pretty damn funny... but my gf sat there the whole time perplexed and didn't find it near as amusing as I did...

I would say if you like the Cohen bros then by all means go see it... it has a weird type of comedy that some will like and some won't... :-)
Hardcz 09:22 AM 10-27-2008
Great movie...especially when he kept going running after the "sessions"
Darrell 03:38 PM 11-03-2008
I loved this movie, it was funny, witty, and refreshing. Not to mention weird as hell.