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General Discussion>Tell Me Your Two Dog Experience!
RHNewfie 08:45 AM 04-05-2009
As some of you may have seen we are getting another dog

Posted Here

Now, everyone is raining on our parade and telling us that we are crazy to get a second dog, not that I really care. Anyhoo... I seem to notice that the people saying it is a bad idea are people that don't have any pets and those saying it is a great idea have either 1 dog or 2.

Now, I know a lot of folks here have 2 dogs... so, can you give me some insight on what it is like and how the dogs interact? Are they friends etc...

chippewastud79 09:15 AM 04-05-2009
Just a brief background: I have two dogs, they are the same breed (Am Staff) and from the same bloodlines. Different sexes and ages, Maui (the female) is almost 5 and Macho (the male) just got past 14 months. Both of them are now fixed which has cut down on the humping.

The breed is a high energy breed and that has to be taken into consideration, but they get along great. When they get excited or they haven't been outside a lot they tend to get into a lot of fights, not trying to hurt each other, but play fighting (although because of their breed many people would tend to believe that they are actually "fighting"). Usually a quick and loud "no" or "stop" will get them to cease. When they have been exercised sufficiently throughout the day they are much better together.

They really enjoy sleeping, like most dogs do, but they do it together non-stop. There is no situation where they choose to sleep apart. They share the same water bowl and drink at the same time with no consequence. They will go on walks together, but Macho tends to be much more scatter-brained which makes walking a little more difficult when there are other people or dogs around. Some times when there is another dog that shows aggression towards them when they are together, they will start fighting each other because they are being restricted from getting to the other dog because of the leashes. If it is a busy neighborhood I would suggest walking them seperate to keep them from acting up and feeding off each others energy.

If one dog is a lot of work, two dogs create twice as much, but they are both a blast to have around. :-)

RHNewfie 09:22 AM 04-05-2009
Thanks for the input! It will definately be interesting to see how they get along and walk together for sure... especially since our first dog is a Jack Russell!
chippewastud79 09:28 AM 04-05-2009
Originally Posted by RHNewfie:
Thanks for the input! It will definately be interesting to see how they get along and walk together for sure... especially since our first dog is a Jack Russell!
Your welcome. With high energy dogs the key is trying to get their energy out with walks or playing so they can't use it on each other. I forgot to add, when playing ball Maui always gets the ball first (because she is faster) and Macho is content to just chase Maui the entire time, its actually quite comical. Anything else I can help with, just ask. :-)
WhoDeySchenk 09:31 AM 04-05-2009
We have 2 Boston Terriers, our oldest is 5 years and our youngest turns 1 in a week. As you can see, they are 2 peas in a pod, both are males. They are currently sleeping together on the couch and are the best of friends, no fighting, just nonstop running and chasing each other around the house (when not asleep). Mugsy (our oldest) was a little upset at first when we brought home the new pup, but after 2-3 weeks he started to realize that he was here to stay and accepted him "into the pack". My wife & I are 100% pleased we decided to get a second dog.

RGD. 10:24 AM 04-05-2009
Two dogs here also - and quite frankly would not have it any other way.

We have TJ who is half Blue Heeler, half Border Collie. And we have Rusty - 100% stupid beagle. TJ is going on 10 and Rusty is about 15. They sleep together, eat together, drink out of the same water bowl, etc etc. Maybe two of three disagreements in the past 10 years - no injuries though, just like two brothers going at it.

Since you already have one there and the other is a puppy - your current dog will become the boss (that pack thing kicks in). And since you are bringing in a puppy (which is what I always do) - your current dog will not feel as threatened as with an older dog and will accept him/her a lot quicker - often accepting the parental thing pretty well.

And just in my opinion - dogs are just like us in the fact that they need and want companionship. Most of us can't be with our dogs 24/7 - two dogs give them the companionship they need.

Sure - it costs you twice as much - food bills, vet bills, etc - but I wouldn't have it any other way.

replicant_argent 10:31 AM 04-05-2009
2 here, a yellow Lab and a German shorthair. It really doesn't require that much more "work" so to speak. They actually are better for it, because they interact and burn some energy just playing with each other through the day, I think. Why would you listen to the advice of someone that doesn't have any dogs or pets? That's a bit like asking a priest for advice on sex. Or me on the nuances of a fine cigar.
As far as the aggression thing, dogs work out their pecking order pretty quickly. We take care of friends dogs when they are on vacation, and vice versa, people get all nervous when dogs butt sniff and growl, etc. I don't worry about a little snapping, growling and chasing. If your dogs are well socialized and relatively well behaved, they work out a pecking order in less than 20 minutes, in my experience.
DMK 10:33 AM 04-05-2009
Well... we have four.... now mind you together they only weigh as much as one larger dog, but they are a neverending source to fun. We presently have my mildly retarded Jack Russell, and three Rat Terriers.
Over the years we pretty much have always had at least two at one time.
Thet keep each other company and play off of each others induvidual personality.
The only concern is the initial introduction of the new dog. We've found it best to have the time to spend with them, even a weekend of nothing else on, that way you can monitor things and they will set their own pecking order.
Good luck and stock up on dog cookies.
alley00p 11:29 AM 04-05-2009
Over the years we've had two dogs at the same time, always one who has been around for a while, and one puppy. Same experiences as the guys mentioned above with very few problems.

Presently, we have a Lab/Australian Shepherd mix and a house cat. We had much more trouble intregrating the kitten into our home, as the dog felt threatened for months by this little ball of fur. Now, he's used to the kitten and they play together (mainly thundering through the house back and forth). They drink from the same water dish and the dog loves the fact that the cat is not a "people food" person, so anything that might drop on the floor is his - the cat sniffs it and walks away.

Personally, I think you will have few problems adding a second younger dog or a pup to your home!

RHNewfie 11:41 AM 04-05-2009
Overall we dont expect any trouble, and I am not concerned with the naysayers... we are very excited! I have had Labs all growing up and I can't wait to have another one!
nozero 12:03 PM 04-05-2009
We too have two dogs. A lab/chow/other mix male Rockie and a lab/chow mix Zoe. Both of them are about 5 years of age. They play fight a lot until Zoe tires of it. Rockie is a lot more playful and tends to piss Zoe off now and then. Zoe has been injured once, either bit or scratched in the inside corner of her eye. I saw blood and took her to the vet immediately. Nothing serious, but I wanted to be sure.

Zoe was here first so she "rules" most of the time, but when they've gotten "into it" Rockie most often comes out on top and Zoe ends up belly up, though she does grab a rear foot now and then and flips him over.

Upside is they keep each other company when we're both at work. The only downside is the double cost for food, kennels, beds, toys, treats, vet bills and medications.

Best wishes with yours!
Old Sailor 12:06 PM 04-05-2009
Jeff, you know we have 2 dogs...cocker spaniel and a problems. As for the nasayers, tell them bite me.:-):-)
RHNewfie 12:10 PM 04-05-2009
LOL! I will quote you Dave!!

You can meet her in July!
punch54 01:54 PM 04-05-2009
I have 3 chihuahuas,nice little famly dad mom and daughter,they all get allong great they keep eachother company while we are not home 3 times the yapping but its the only way to go,also 1 cat,the dogs put up with her.No fighting,a occasianal growl or two but a lot of fun.
spincycle 03:53 PM 04-05-2009
Originally Posted by RGD.:
And we have Rusty - 100% stupid beagle.
LMAO. I too am blessed with the same breed. What an apt description!
mikeyj23 03:58 PM 04-05-2009
We have two and none of us would like it otherwise. They're best friends and keep each other company, and they add plenty of excitement to our lives. #1 is a 45lb mutt (AmStaff, Pointer, Basenji, Pit, etc.) and #2 is a 8lb Maltese/Bichon. They couldn't be more different but get along really, really well. No downsides here!
nozero 05:30 PM 04-05-2009
Originally Posted by spincycle:
LMAO. I too am blessed with the same breed. What an apt description!
Sorry to agree, but we had a Beagle when we lived in OKC. His favorite "toy" was not any that we purchase for him, but a half a brick he loved to play with and cart everywhere but into the house. He ate a Norfold Pine and an Apple tree, both were about four foot high when he devoured them. He also ate about three feet of garden hose and there was evidence in the dog rockets. We gave him to my mom when we moved and somebody took him from her back yard... Sam, where ever you are I hope you're OK.
68TriShield 06:35 PM 04-05-2009
RGD has met my Beagle,actually many inmates have.
Rebel must be a exception to the rule :-)
We also have a Chow/Golden,Rebel tolerates Ivan.
Count me as a vote "for" 2 dogs.
Ratters 08:57 PM 04-05-2009
I have two dogs, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's not "that" much more work, but they are great together, play with each other, and keep each other company. Sometimes they have spats, but they are few and far between. I say go for it. :-)
RHNewfie 09:02 PM 04-05-2009
Oh I already went for it :-) Just seeing what the opinions of the masses were!