Cigar Asylum Cigar Forum Mobile
General Discussion>Cigar App
SmokeHustler 05:00 PM 09-24-2011
Ok so I bought a new smartphone about a week ago and decided I needed to do what everybody else who has a smartphone an app. So after getting the necessities (Angry Birds), I figured I'd check to see if there were any useful apps related to my everyday life and habits. That's when I stumbled upon this:

Cigar Unlimited.

This app can help you keep track of your cigars in your humidor, you're wishlist (which is very helpful to me, since my wishlist keeps getting bigger and bigger) and apparently has over 30,000 cigars in its database. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement because I really have no desire to count it myself. Just know that it could very well be true. Anyway, It also has facebook integration so you can post about the cigar you just smoked, and it has a navigator to your local cigar shop (for when you're on the road alot, like me). You can take pictures, make your own descriptions and ratings, and even update their database with a cigar you don't see in it already. It's like an all in one, "I do everything but light your cigar for you," app.

Like all good things though, its not free :-) but it's cheap :-). It'll only cost you a $1.50 and thats better than the other cigar apps i saw...well apart from the free ones that is. So yea, if you got a smartphone, then i suggest getting this app. Or, if you think you know a better one then post it here on this thread. I've done my informative deed for the day, now to shake my phone and let this app randomly select a cigar for me to smoke.
Bill86 05:54 PM 09-24-2011
Does this app have CC and NC?
MrClean 06:12 PM 09-24-2011
I think a $1.50 for an app that you like and fits your needs is a steal. Time to go check out Cigar Unlimited now. I wonder if it can handle my 10 sticks......LOL!
SmokeHustler 06:45 PM 09-24-2011
Has CC and NC. If you don't see a cigar in their database (not very likely. I've been trying.) then I suggest you take some pics of the cigar in question and add it to the app. Write a review while you're at it. I'm currently doin that myself.
MrClean 07:11 PM 09-24-2011
Just downloaded it, I like it! I know some people hate to spend money on apps, but if they are functional and fill a need for me, I don't mind at all helping out the dev. They are usually better maintained than the free ones.

Thanks for pointing this one out!!

I like that you can email your list, so it isn't just available on your phone.
SmokeHustler 07:45 PM 09-24-2011
Yea its useful for keeping backups of your list. Especially for me since I have a bad habit of losing/killing my phones.
CigarSquid 09:01 PM 09-24-2011
Can you add cigars from the computer to the app? I am looking for one that does that.
irratebass 01:03 PM 09-25-2011
Thanks KG, downloaded.
CigarSquid 03:59 PM 09-25-2011
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
Can you add cigars from the computer to the app? I am looking for one that does that.

colinb913 04:15 PM 09-25-2011
Hmm.. seem to be having trouble downloading the app on android market. Any one else having issues?
Posted via Mobile Device
SmokeHustler 08:42 PM 09-25-2011
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
Ok, so I had to test out your question before I could answer it. The answer is unfortunately no. But I did get in contact with the app creator to inform him of the download problem and I asked about future updates as well. Apparently uploading from your comp will be implemented in the future.

Originally Posted by colinb913:
Hmm.. seem to be having trouble downloading the app on android market. Any one else having issues?
Posted via Mobile Device
As I stated, I got in touch with Mr. Giametta about this problem, since apparently you're not the only one who had it. I asked a friend of mine to download the app and he said the buy now button didnt work. I went to the developers website and emailed him about it and apparently he wants to know the exact problems everyones having. You can e-mail him at this adress:

And he wanted me to relink this site:

Download Support

I hope this helps fellow inmates.
CigarSquid 08:52 PM 09-25-2011
When that feature comes, I may look into it then. Thanks.
SmokeHustler 08:55 PM 09-25-2011
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
When that feature comes, I may look into it then. Thanks.
Anytime :-)
colinb913 09:16 PM 09-25-2011
I just sent him a e-mail, working at a cigar store, I am sure this app will come in handy a time or two, or a thousand! I hope he can figure this out.
irratebass 04:19 AM 09-26-2011
The only feature I don't like is you have to put in where you bought the cigar...even on your wishlist and the price....I just want to put it in my wishlist, I don't care where I buy it or what price dang it.
SmokeHustler 09:53 AM 09-26-2011
Originally Posted by irratebass:
The only feature I don't like is you have to put in where you bought the cigar...even on your wishlist and the price....I just want to put it in my wishlist, I don't care where I buy it or what price dang it.
Yea that does get annoying. Maybe they'll fix it later. I also wish they had pics of the cigars already in the database, or at least allow me to update the database with pics myself. I mean, 30,000+ cigars is alot of pics for one developer to take. Why not let us do it for him?
SmokeHustler 02:10 PM 10-01-2011
Originally Posted by irratebass:
The only feature I don't like is you have to put in where you bought the cigar...even on your wishlist and the price....I just want to put it in my wishlist, I don't care where I buy it or what price dang it.
Apparently there's been an update the application. I'm no longer forced to input price anymore. Not sure when this happened or what else has been updated, but at least that problem's been fixed. By the way, has anyone found any cigars not listed yet? I've seriously been trying to find a brand not entered into his database. If anyone finds one let me know.
pnoon 02:35 PM 10-01-2011
Originally Posted by SmokeHustler:
I've seriously been trying to find a brand not entered into his database. If anyone finds one let me know.
What would be your motivation for doing so? Just curious.
SmokeHustler 04:25 PM 10-01-2011
Originally Posted by pnoon:
What would be your motivation for doing so? Just curious.
I've started doing reviews and critiques of android apps and I quite like this app, which is probably why I want to find a cigar it doesnt have. I like to find faults in the things I like.

::EDIT:: There's this other one called Freedom from Negative Feelings that I think is hilarious. It tries to hypnotise you into thinking positively. I'm doing a review but it costs 1.99 for each installment. Not something I really want to pay for more than once ya know.