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Health and Fitness>Crossfit
RelaxingSmoke 11:17 AM 08-30-2015
My friend really got into it but saw people getting injured left and right so he stopped going. He did mention the community was really tight knit though.
Adriftpanda 12:35 PM 08-30-2015
Yeah, it's called a cult.

in before the crossfit police kills me.
CigarNut 01:10 PM 08-30-2015
There are cults, and there are cults... Life's full of 'em.

The CrossFit Cult is not the worst one you could be a part of. My wife is in the CrossFit cult, and I am not -- and we still get along fine :-)

We both are in the Disney Cult :-)

We used to be in the MINI Cult, but have moved on to the BMW Cult.
Chainsaw13 01:37 PM 08-30-2015
If you run into a vegan who also does cross fit, which one do they tell you about first? :-)
The Poet 01:48 PM 08-30-2015
I'm not fit, but often cross. Do I get half a point?
T.G 05:18 PM 08-30-2015
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
If you run into a vegan who also does cross fit, which one do they tell you about first? :-)
Usually they just talk about their Subarau.
DBall 04:26 PM 09-04-2015
Originally Posted by T.G:
Usually they just talk about their Subarau.
No... they talk about their beard first, then the mode of transportation (usually a bicycle...)
AdamJoshua 04:13 PM 09-16-2015
Originally Posted by DBall:
No... they talk about their beard first, then the mode of transportation (usually a bicycle...)
With Ed Begley being the exception as he does not have a beard.
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