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Island (The other ones) Reviews>AF Hemingway between the lines
Humidor Minister 12:29 PM 12-04-2009
Well, last night I went a different route. I received a box of AF Hemingway Between the lines. This little powerhouse is quite a firecracker. Compared to the AF Anejo Shark the day before, its quite a bit different. This cigar is rolled by only one roller from Arturo Fuente and from what I gather, only rolled twice a year. Upon examination of the Cameroon/Maduro rapper, it is a very smooth, fine tobacco. Almost nothing for veins. The whole box is very consistent from one cigar to the others in appearance.
When drawing from it unlit, it has Almost a hint of eucalyptus /dark toast. On the light, it has a personality all its own. It really packs a punch. I think this is due to the foot being so small. You get a big hit of the 2 rappers. I think this also primes the rest of the cigar with some great taste. One thing I also noticed about this prefect roll is that both the Cameroon and Maduro rapper end evenly so when you light it, you get an equal taste of both. Unlike the Anejo shark yesterday, this cigar went through about 3 stages. The first described above, the second being a toasty/earthy flavor. That is where it really shined. This went on through about the next 1-1/2 inches. At this point it kicked up a notch and went to maybe a french roast kind of flavor but not bitter. When I got to the end it turned to a strong espresso/earthy flavor. The smoke itself was fantastic. Very rich and almost chewy. When it comes to the burn, it burned perfectly. It never ran and never needed to be re-lit even with a cool breeze.
This cigar is not at all like the Shark but still extremely enjoyable. It's also one of the finest quality rolls I've ever come across. I would have to say this cigar will make my top 10 list but the Shark would have to take the lead for my taste. I would still give this great little cigar a score of 95-96 . I really like the size too, it's great when you don't have more than an hour to enjoy a cigar. Again, another fantastic cigar from the Fuente family.

P.S. sorry for no pics of smoking it, we were at an outdoor resturant.
mcmoyer 12:32 PM 12-04-2009
Very nice indeed!

Adriftpanda 02:10 PM 12-04-2009
Dang, very nice. Still need to get my hands on one of these! Thanks for the review.
kydsid 02:18 PM 12-04-2009
A Hometown inmate. Outstanding. You mind me asking where you were smoking? I thought the law in Tucson banned all smoking in/near restaurants?
Starscream 02:25 PM 12-04-2009
Looks nice! I've only smoked the Hemingway Short Story, and like his short stories, the cigar is awesome.
GHC_Hambone 02:40 PM 12-04-2009
Thanks for the review. Cool looking smoke and from what it sounds, a tasty one too.
kelmac07 03:13 PM 12-04-2009
Great review...been looking for one of these. :-)
str8edg 03:48 PM 12-04-2009
I smoked one over the summer in Vegas... loved it!

Thanks for the review brother
leasingthisspace 04:04 PM 12-04-2009
I can't wait to get back to Vegas and smkoe one these. I grabbed 2 in feb. when I was there but they were for someone else that wanted them for a trade.
Posted via Mobile Device
Humidor Minister 04:16 PM 12-04-2009
Originally Posted by kydsid:
A Hometown inmate. Outstanding. You mind me asking where you were smoking? I thought the law in Tucson banned all smoking in/near restaurants?
We were on the patio at Risky Business. I own Audio 2000 on Speedway, stop by and we can go out back and enjoy a cigar.:-)
kydsid 04:51 PM 12-04-2009
Originally Posted by Humidor Minister:
We were on the patio at Risky Business. I own Audio 2000 on Speedway, stop by and we can go out back and enjoy a cigar.:-)
No chit? Lol. I started having a negative ground issue with my car and was gonna stop when I drove past your place on Black Friday but decided was too busy. I actually don't live in the Old Pueblo anymore but am there frequently for family, we definitely should herf it up. And I like Risky Business too. Funny never seen any cigar smokers there though.
BlackIrish 10:05 PM 12-04-2009
Nice review! And you're a lucky bastid - I'd be glad to lay my hands on just one of these, let alone a whole box.
Humidor Minister 11:41 AM 12-05-2009
Let me know when you are going to be in town, we can go to Tinderbox then head to RB. :-)
secretsquirrel 03:27 AM 12-09-2009
that is a fine bunch you got there!
lenguamor 02:28 PM 09-08-2012
After many years on the hunt, (long story) I finally acquired a BTL and I fired it up last evening.

Construction was flawless, as expected. I had to snip just a sliver off the nipple foot, as it seemed closed. Pre-light the nose and inhale was an explosion of hay, barnyard, mocha; overall, the sensation of dry ingredients. Very nice.

The tiny foot took to fire instantly. The flavors in the first third were vanilla, which was very pronounced; that hay fragrance permeated the entire smoke and it was not unpleasant at all. Deeper in, hints of dry spices, like in Indian food. Some baked-goods flavors and fragrances whispered in and out.

It finished as it started: razor-sharp burn, beautiful, pronounced flavors on top of nuanced, pleasant, exotic spice.

This would be an ideal everyday smoke, were it not for the rarity and relative expense; if you buy them when available from Fuente, they aren't even 1/3 of the price you'll pay at some of the B&Ms that gouge the crap out of them. Still, even at their least expensive they are not cheap.

Note: Anyone else wonder why Fuente has not ventured to make this wrapper in a larger format?
RichardW 12:33 AM 09-09-2012
Nice review, Joe! Been ages since I've had one of these. :-)
Angry_Pirate 12:39 AM 09-09-2012
Great review! I've smoked two of these and both were phenomenal!!