They're great pictures, but they immediately make me furious all over again.
It doesn't matter how many people we exterminate overseas, or how many "terrorists" we kill, I can't imagine how I'll ever get over it short of killing them myself, and I doubt that would even help.
It just feels like they're almost imaginary, faceless, untouchable enemies, regardless of what I've seen on the news.
I think it's because I felt my family, mainly my children, were threatened. I don't know if I'll ever get over it, because I'll never be able to do something about it.
I know it's not very Christian of me, and there's not another thing I feel that way about, but I don't think this will ever be unstuck from my stupid head.
I've been loathing this 10 year anniversary for just that reason. It tears my heart out that all our families have endured this suffering, and it was for nothing. I hope this anniversary reminder doesn't affect them negatively. May the good Lord give them all the peace that I've not accepted.