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General Discussion>Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Bill86 03:26 AM 01-20-2011
Cough drops and whiskey.
longknocker 03:46 AM 01-20-2011
If Your Sore Throat Is Not Better After A Couple Of Days, Go See A Physician & Get A Throat Culture. Only Way To Diagnose Strep.:-)
BigCat 05:17 AM 01-20-2011
Hot tottie - tea, whiskey and honey. It can work wonders, and if you have a few (or 6) and have a heavy pour like me, get you drunk. Your throat will either feel better, or you'll forget about it. Either way, just as good.
kugie 05:25 AM 01-20-2011
Tea with Honey or a mint tea with Honey
OLS 06:13 AM 01-20-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
Gargle warm salt water
DING DING...winner.
357 06:42 AM 01-20-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
Gargle warm salt water
The more salty the better. Don't over do it with the salt though, it will make you gag if you do. The salt actually helps kill some of the bacteria causing the sore throat. Ibuprofin will also help reduce the swelling wich is also a major factor. As Greg said though, if it remains for more than a couple days get a step test done at your doctor's office. Often, but not everytime, you can see strep as white mucous covered tonsils; assuming you haven't had them removed.

You can rinse your mouth with fresh water after, but try not to rinse the back of your throat. Leave the salt back there to do its thing if you can.

If you can't gagle warm salt water, any kind of hot tea will help. I would avoid the sugar if you can as it will give the bacteria more food to reproduce with.
mpd340 09:01 AM 01-20-2011
Originally Posted by BigCat:
Hot tottie - tea, whiskey and honey. It can work wonders, and if you have a few (or 6) and have a heavy pour like me, get you drunk. Your throat will either feel better, or you'll forget about it. Either way, just as good.
This is what i would also recommend!
IBQTEE1 09:06 AM 01-20-2011
I always stop and get a strawberry milkshake from Steak and Shake!
Blueface 09:07 AM 01-20-2011
Originally Posted by forgop:
My anatomy professor gave a recipe last semester for something like heating up 2 cups water with 2 lemon halves in it to a boil and reducing it to 1 cup. Then add honey to taste. I used it a few times, but I thought that was better suited for sinus/cold type stuff than just strictly a sore throat. I'll try that as well.
We do that with limes. I assure you, it works.
wayner123 09:11 AM 01-20-2011
I have used a combination of things.

For homeopathic route I would go with a combination of mother tinctures:

White Oak

10-20 drops of each in about 8oz of water. Gargle half of it and the swallow the other half. Do this in the morning and at night. This is not so much for instant relief (although it will help) but it will right whatever is wrong within a day or two.

I have also used a tbsp of honey with a lemon wedge squeezed on top. This is really good for instant relief.

For pharmaceuticals:

Chloraseptic - works wonders
Listerine - Gargle it for at least 30 seconds.
Mortrin or other NSAID
357 09:20 AM 01-20-2011
Zinc losenges will help the symptoms too. Not sure if it helps fix anything.
kaisersozei 09:24 AM 01-20-2011
Another vote for gargling with warm salt water.

And a shot of Nyquil before bed. Nyquil fixes everything.
HK3- 09:25 AM 01-20-2011
I'm a whore for throat spray. Vics 44 throat spray will work wonders.
CueTheMusic 09:52 AM 01-20-2011
I have several things:

Brandy!! Drink it straight. My parents do blackberry brandy, but I personally think that is gross, I like the regular stuff.

Hot wine (usually get a cheap shiraz. don't bother with a good wine...)

The last thing isn't pleasant for most people, but I'll just eat a small amount of ground cayenne pepper. Really gets the saliva glands working :-) There are people that recommend gargling or putting it in a drink as well.
jjirons69 10:14 AM 01-20-2011
I can't stand it long before I hit the local Sawbones. Plus my voice usually fades away. They usually give a steroid shot that helps with the swelling and it'll ease off by the following day. Sore throats suck!
icehog3 10:41 AM 01-20-2011
Originally Posted by OLS:
DING DING...winner.
Sweet! What are you sending him? :-)
forgop 04:44 PM 01-20-2011
Thanks for the tips...will try doing a couple of these tonight. Amazingly, it got a lot better today, but still is sore. At least the throat spray numbed it just a bit today. To think I was on the verge of going to urgent care last night, but didn't because they had already closed...

I don't think it was strep now as I never had a fever, but the other thing I did notice was a bit of pressure in my ears. Guessing it may be an ear infection. I remember a couple of years ago, my daughter came down with strep and I thought I came down with it, but it was an ear infection. That was strange.
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