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Sports>Al Davis Dies
massphatness 10:22 AM 10-08-2011
The game may have passed him by in recent years, but the man was a major force in football.

N2 GOLD 10:30 AM 10-08-2011
R.I.P. Al Davis...
skullnrose 10:45 AM 10-08-2011
R.I.P. Mr Davis
MrClean 10:50 AM 10-08-2011
Being a KC fan, hating the Raiders is a way of life, but Al was a huge influence on the NFL and most of it was a positive influence. R.I.P. Mr Davis.
CigarSquid 11:13 AM 10-08-2011
He was good back in the day. Curious to see how long it takes for the raiders to change things and see the outcome. Everyone has always said, Once Al is gone things will be different.
bobarian 11:17 AM 10-08-2011
Rest In Peace Mr Davis.
kelmac07 11:18 AM 10-08-2011
RIP Mr Davis
Ogre 11:20 AM 10-08-2011
RIP Brother!!!!
Ferrari5180 10:53 PM 10-09-2011
RIP mate.