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All Cigar Discussion>Doctor Finally Puts Her Foot Down...Almost
papajohn67 03:24 AM 02-01-2013
Well I guess stuff like this happens, eh? My recent visit with my VA doc left my doctor of 28 years telling me to put out the smoking lamp. She's always cut me a lot of slack when it came to my "hobby" but at my age she said enough is enough. We negotiated a bit and she finally relented a bit when I agreed to shut down my smoking in my cozy cigar room at home an limit myself to 2 or 3 visits a month at the a cigar club I am a member of in Seattle. With a 70 mile drive down to Seattle I guess she figures that it will keep me honest.

Sucks getting old and since I started smoking cigars at the age of 18 while in Vietnam it is going to be a big change. Going to miss that morning cigar while sitting and reading the newspaper.
Fordman4ever 04:57 AM 02-01-2013
Sorry to hear that. It always sucks giving up something you enjoy.
big_jaygee 05:05 AM 02-01-2013
Originally Posted by Fordman4ever:
Sorry to hear that. It always sucks giving up something you enjoy.
+1 that does suck but at least you are able to have a couple of them a month.
Bondo 287 05:32 AM 02-01-2013
Might as well follow the orders. There's no cigars at all in the afterlife.....
Why do you think they call it hell ....

Thank You for your service in 'Nam , Sir. Bless You ...
kelmac07 06:06 AM 02-01-2013
Sorry to hear about the "drawdown" John.
Subvet642 06:26 AM 02-01-2013
That's why I don't go to the doctor; they're strongly admonished by the AMA to do everything possible to get their patients to stop smoking, even lie. I've told my primary care physician that there are three things I shall not discuss: my smoking, my cholesterol and my weight. If it ain't hurting, I ain't talking about it. I left the last doctor who didn't believe me. My Liberty is more precious to me than my life.
mosesbotbol 08:04 AM 02-01-2013
Are you personally feeling the negative effect from smoking? Was there clinical data to suggest you are in need of quitting or drastic cut back?
hazydat620 08:14 AM 02-01-2013
that sucks you having to cut down, but on the up side, think of all the money you can spend on Golf now:-)
shilala 08:17 AM 02-01-2013
If it keeps you around for a good long time it's worth the sacrifice, John.
The list of sacrifices tends to get longer as we go. It sucks, but waking up happy and reasonably healthy is just one of the small rewards.
Mr.Maduro 08:24 AM 02-01-2013
Just one question.... If you didn't tell her you had that morning cigar with your newspaper, would she even know? Listen to your body. It will let you know when the time is right.

Good to see you posting brother.
hotreds 09:04 AM 02-01-2013
Most of what I've read indicates that having a cigar a day w/o inhaling or chewing on said cigar should pose no real problems. That being said, if you trust your doctor and she says "no" I reckon you need to listen to her.
papajohn67 09:58 AM 02-01-2013
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Are you personally feeling the negative effect from smoking? Was there clinical data to suggest you are in need of quitting or drastic cut back?
No real negative effects other when I was under my Studebaker one day on my back doing a little work....smelled a little something strange burning and it turned out to be my beard. :-) Nothing really changed other than I'm pushing 65 and have been smoking cigars for the past 47 years. Doc's always worry as well as my wife so I feel the compromise we agreed on was a fair one. With a home based cigar room it was more than just one cigar in the morning, you know their are afternoon and evenings too.

All is still good, still can smoke a bit and my attitude has always been I lucked out while being in the army by making it back home so all of the extra years I have racked up has been like frosting on a cake.
jjirons69 02:40 PM 02-01-2013
Tough as nails, you are! Your wife was probably happy with the doc's recommendation and I'm sure you'll find something to do with your extra time. I know the troops have been very appreciative of your outside activities.

Here's to many more great days, John!
mosesbotbol 03:12 PM 02-01-2013
One Monte A a day keeps the doc at bay.
ripper 04:58 PM 02-01-2013
Sad to hear that, John.
You are really going to enjoy your smokes now.
hotreds 06:14 PM 02-01-2013
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
I know the troops have been very appreciative of your outside activities.
Here's to many more great days, John!
Big ROGER on those two statements!
maninblack 03:09 AM 02-02-2013
Sorry to hear this John. But thanks for your service to this country and its servicemen/women. It doesn'y go unnoticed.
longknocker 03:39 AM 02-02-2013
I've Cut Back To 2 Cigars/ Week, Also, John. The ENT Surgeon I Work With Every Day Told Me It Was Better Not To Smoke At All. Another Cardiologist Recommended To My Golfing Buddy To Limit Cigars To 1-2/ Week. What I'm Saying Is No One Really Knows How Cigars Affect Our Health & We Have To Make Our Own Decisions On This Wonderful Hobby. Take Care & I Hope To "Chat" With You For Many More Years, Brother!:-):-)