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All Cigar Discussion>Old intact cigar with band. Information? Value?
RRocket 09:24 PM 01-20-2013
A friend received an old cigar case (thread here: ) belonging to his great great grandfather. But the case contained 2 intact cigars. One has a band on it. It's by Sir Walter Lipton.

Does anyone have information about this old brand and have any idea what the value is?


DaBear 09:35 PM 01-20-2013
A liittle google-fu tells me its a Sir Thomas Lipton, named for the man who founded Lipton Tea. If they are indeed from the time he was alive, chances are they were used as an advertisement for himself and Lipton Tea, which could date them back to the 1890s on up to the early 1900s. Either way, a cool find.
DaBear 09:47 PM 01-20-2013
A little more searching led me to this interesting little tid bit:

"In his early days Sir Thomas Lipton denied himself every pleasure except that of amassing a fortune. Calling one day on a Consul on business matters, he was offered a cigar by the official. 'No thank you,' said Sir Thomas (then Mr.) Lipton, 'Although I am the biggest smoker in England, I never smoke cigars.' 'What do you smoke?' was the surprised query. 'Bacon,' was the prompt reply."
Bondo 287 05:41 AM 01-21-2013
Was researching pictures of Sir Thomas. At first, thought maybe you guys were wrong, but I finally found an earlier picture and it certainly matches the bloke on the cigar band. You know, they all looked the same back then....

iaMkcK 02:44 PM 01-21-2013
Cross linking threads is highly discouraged.
jjirons69 02:57 PM 01-21-2013
Cool chit anyway you look at it!!
icehog3 03:41 PM 01-21-2013
Originally Posted by iaMkcK:
Cross linking threads is highly discouraged.
Depends on context, not a big issue in this case. :-)
shilala 03:58 PM 01-21-2013
What's a crosslinking thread?
Bondo 287 04:33 PM 01-21-2013
Originally Posted by shilala:
What's a crosslinking thread?
The first post here, is a post, pointing to another thread, which has a link in it, which is pointing to this thread. Indeed kind of ..... :-)

I actually didn't notice it, until iaMkcK brought it up.

This one's rolling. The other has no replies. Rrocket should just have Admin pull the other and all willl be back to normal in our nut house.
mosesbotbol 05:31 PM 01-21-2013
I don't think the cigars are of any value unless they have been humidified the whole time and even at that my hunch is they'll make like rice paper. There won't be much stuffing left. Nice looking cigar case though. Does he plan to use it?