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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Salt test
mrgto 06:08 PM 07-10-2009
I am still trying to get everything ironed out in my humi. I have been salt testing my hygros and i had a quick question. If the temp is below 70F which way does the RH go per degree below 70, up or down and how much?
lightning9191 07:28 PM 07-10-2009
I don't think you need to worry about it. They should be at 75 %.....don't worry about the temp.
OLS 09:26 PM 07-11-2009
If your hygro reads 75% when sequestered away in a sealed baggie with salt paste, then whatever your humidor reads will be correct,too, I imagine. If I was storing Have-annas I would be happy with 65-68. Your actual question can be found better with Google, I am not sure if everybody subscribes fully to the science all the time, except in extreme climates.