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Reviews>BCA/Butternut Burley blend
DrDubzz 09:05 PM 04-13-2009
about 3 weeks ago I put about a 60/40 BB/BCA mixture (maybe 4oz total) into a ziplock and forgot about it.

well I smoked a bowl today and it was excellent. smooth, creamy, light BB flavor with a kick of vanilla. smoked nice and dry, considering the moisture of each blend, smelled great of course.

anyway, nothing ground-breaking, but a nice mixture. a little more interesting than either alone, but still what you would expect with the given components
Professor Mike 12:15 PM 04-16-2009
Blend sounds interesting . I'll have to give it a go. Let you know how it goes.

Prof. Mike
kzm007 10:34 PM 07-12-2009
Could I get the full names, please?

I'm not quite up on the abbreviations.

Thanks :-) sounds pretty good.
DrDubzz 11:06 PM 07-12-2009
Lane Black Cavendish Aromatic and Scotty's Butternut Burley from

BCA is often renamed "black magic" "midnight smoke" etc etc and sold at local shops