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Reviews>MTS March: Blackwoods Flake
Nick 12:18 AM 02-26-2009
Monthly Tobacco Shakedown for March. The blend is McClellands Blackwoods Flake.

Tin Description:
The characteristic, natural sweetness of Mellow, Red Virginias mingles inextricably with the richness and inherently spicy aroma of Black Stoved Virginias in this doubly aged Red and Black all-Virginia cake mixture.

My review will come shortly sorry it is a little late getting posted. I will try to remember to have a poll for the next tobacco.
DrDubzz 12:30 AM 02-26-2009
sweet, I have this. I'll get it done by this weekend
Nick 05:41 PM 03-06-2009
Blackwoods flake is one of the better straight virginias that I have had. It is full and robust but it is sweet and not as harsh as some other virginias. The presentation in the tin is very nice and the dark stoved tobacco creates a very visually pleasing tobacco. I belive the tin description fits this blend very well and those stoved virginias sure do make a big difference in the smoke. My only complaints with this blend would be consistent with most other McCl virginias; it's wet and has a vinegar smell which does seem to transfer over to the smoke a bit. Overall it is a very satisfying virginia and one that I will keep around. I'd give it about an 80.