I was out today and ran in to a neighbor who is from North Carolina. I told him that I plan to smoke a pork shoulder on Wednesday and then he told me about his "easy" marinade. Seems he marinades using 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of good quality BBQ sauce. He lets it sit for 12-24 hours before putting the pork on the smoker. Supposed to make the pulled pork very tender.
I can see doing this, since the cider vinegar will tenderize the meat, but I've never done it this way. Anyone out there use this type of approach?
The cider vinegar will soak farther into the meat then the BBQ or the dry rub when done alone, Get a good batch of rub made, coat the meat VERY well, let sit over night, then toss in a vinegar/bbq marinade for the best of both worlds. If the meat is to large * cooked up a 180lb pig awhile back* then I would only use a dry rub, and in between cooking sessions, keep it moist on the out side with that kicked up Apple cider Vinegar. And don't be light on it, coat it. Not sure how you plan on cooking it, but with alot of dry heat the meat will get the most flavor from what you put on it, but also has the biggest risk of dryin out- Keep it moist and enjoy
:-) :-)