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All Cigar Discussion>A friend wants a cigar...
RevSmoke 02:49 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
In my experience mooches DEFINITELY appreciate the finer things in life. They just don't want to pay for them ever.
There may be some mooches like that. There was a lawyer in our Connecticut Cigar Club like that - we'd do a cigar dinner, and the cigars would be an exchange - everybody bringing 3 premium sticks and wrapping them up so nobody could see. Then, we'd put them in a box and everybody would grab a number from a hat. We'd then start with #1 and going through. The lawyer often bring WBs, a $1.00 stick gotten at a local shop - the owner one day saw three of them in a package someone drew, and knew that they lawyer had bought them. The owner took the cigars from the guy who got the 3 WBs, walked up to the lawyer, asked, "So, what did you get in the exchange?" He'd gotten a number of upper ends. The shop owner says, "You were so tight that you put these (holding up the WBs in his hand) in the blind exchange? You can have these." He took the better sticks and left the WBs. The lawyer complained and go no sympathy - in fact, almost got punched.

Now, this is not a commentary on lawyers, but on this particular lawyer.
MikeyC 02:59 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
There may be some mooches like that. There was a lawyer in our Connecticut Cigar Club like that - we'd do a cigar dinner, and the cigars would be an exchange - everybody bringing 3 premium sticks and wrapping them up so nobody could see. Then, we'd put them in a box and everybody would grab a number from a hat. We'd then start with #1 and going through. The lawyer often bring WBs, a $1.00 stick gotten at a local shop - the owner one day saw three of them in a package someone drew, and knew that they lawyer had bought them. The owner took the cigars from the guy who got the 3 WBs, walked up to the lawyer, asked, "So, what did you get in the exchange?" He'd gotten a number of upper ends. The shop owner says, "You were so tight that you put these (holding up the WBs in his hand) in the blind exchange? You can have these." He took the better sticks and left the WBs. The lawyer complained and go no sympathy - in fact, almost got punched.

Now, this is not a commentary on lawyers, but on this particular lawyer.
Sounds like it's irrelevent that he is a lawyer. What is relevent is that he is a greedy, selfish pig. :-)

Just reading this story makes me mad.
nozero 03:26 PM 01-01-2009
Aside from gifts and I'd explain why on those, I'd let them pick their own and I'd answer any questions they asked. Who am I to decide what they will or won't appreciate?

I've never had to deal with cigar mooches, so I'll cross that bridge if or when I get there. I never liked mooches when I smoked cigarettes, especially the regular repeat offenders. But more often than not, I gave them one anyway.
macpappy 08:20 PM 01-01-2009
I keep a humidor with a variety of singles just for cases like the four you mention. As I only keep 10 - 15 in this humidor and wind up replacing them about every 2 weeks I don't worry too much about the flavors blending.
With #1, I tell him to take a look and see if there is anything he would like to try but that I don't smoke his brand.

With #2, I tell him to take a look and to let me know if he doesn't see anything he likes. If this happens then I tell him what his higher end options are and I pull it out of my cooler.

With #3, the same unless I have something in mind that I think he would like.

#4, I just let them pick something from the humidor. It's only a cigar and I remember when I first started smoking cigars back in the 70s and I enjoyed the original Backwoods.
smokeyandthebandit05 08:40 PM 01-01-2009
I have a few friends who only smoke backwoods and only 1 or 2 who would actually appreciate a hand rolled cigar. I hate giving the ones who dont know anything about cigars something I really really wanna try and only have 1 of and they only smoke half or less. I'll be honest in the winter and/or dont have an hour or so to smoke a good cigar I'll have a backwoods. Any one else who appreciates and is a cigar smoker can have whatever they want, I can always buy another one
RevSmoke 08:58 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
Sounds like it's irrelevent that he is a lawyer. What is relevent is that he is a greedy, selfish pig. :-)

Just reading this story makes me mad.
Don't get mad. You're right, he's greedy. Feel sorry for him.
MikeyC 09:09 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by RevSmoke:
Don't get mad. You're right, he's greedy. Feel sorry for him.
You're 100% right. I do feel bad for him because acting like that is no way to go through life.
Mugen910 10:26 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
In my experience mooches DEFINITELY appreciate the finer things in life. They just don't want to pay for them ever.
i do not like moochers.

i have a humi of single NCs i prob wont get around to ever so i let non cigar guys go through that. If they are cigar guys i will pick a NC or CC for them depending on my mood.
Posted via Mobile Device
Sauer Grapes 10:36 PM 01-01-2009
1) Let the guy smoke what he likes, but if your friendship is the type you can give him crap, then frequently remind him he smokes cheap, crappy cigars and would probably be better off with a marlboro.

2) and 3) (same for me on these ones for the most part) I would quiz them about what they really like, what their favorites so far were and then ask if they've had specific types of cigars that I have in my humi that I think they'd like. If I find one they haven't had, I'd suggest that and give them one. I'm a pretty generous guy, but I don't like the idea of giving anyone free reign on my humidor. Of course, there really isn't much there I wouldn't share.

4) I'd select a stick for them and they'd have to live with it. It'd probably be something I don't really smoke anymore, but not crap because I don't carry crap in my humidor.
Langod 06:53 AM 01-02-2009
As a newbie myself, this is my take. (I would fit solidly into category 3 myself.)

1st: The regular cigar smoker who smokes only their own White Owls.
I'd give him some cheap mild stick, nothing fancy. But I'm not going to try and "teach" him anything.

2nd: This is also a regular cigar smoker. They smoke premium hand-made cigars.
This guy can have pretty much free-reign in my humidor -- he probably knows more than me. I'd only keep him away from the few really good single sticks I've been saving.

3rd: This is the newbie to premium cigars. They are getting started and seriously interested in the hobby.
This is me. A couple of my friends also fit this description. I would let them have free reign, but might say, "hey, I had one of these the other day, it was really good. You can try it if you want." If there's something else they want to try, they can. Except for the couple of special sticks I'm saving.

4th: This is the mooch. They wouldn't know a Bolivar from a Backwoods.
I have one friend like this. He has little experience with cigars, just likes the idea of smoking cigars with the rest of us. I've given him a couple of "decent" sticks, but after seeing him destroy a couple (trying to peel the wrapper off, breaking one part way through!), I keep a cheap, mild smoke around when I suspect he might come by.)
Smokin Gator 07:31 AM 01-02-2009
I have a hard time answering this one... in a way.

I have one humidor that all of my singles are in. There are two trays in there, one CC and one NC, that I would say are pretty much off limits to almost anyone. Those are sticks that have been gifted to me by BOTLs. I also have one tray of pretty high end/rare things that I would offer to most people, but if I knew the person would not appreciate them I would offer from another drawer. Other than those anyone mooch or not could take there pick. I would be happy to offer advice if I thought they wanted it but wouldn't push it.

My aging humidor is off limits... heck I hardly open it.

All that being said... if one of you guys showed up at my door you could have anything I have bar none.
Mr Edmundo 08:02 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
All that being said... if one of you guys showed up at my door you could have anything I have bar none.

Hell! I'm on my way:-)
Footbag 08:06 AM 01-02-2009
For me, if the person is showing any interest in the cigars, I give them pretty much carte blanch with the exception of a single drawer of trades and valuable smokes. If they know enough about cigars, they can make their own selection, otherwise I will ask them what they like and suggest.
I usually try a how do you like beer? Dark = stronger cigar Light= milder cigar

I do have a drawer full of pass out smokes, but have them reserved for the #4 Mooches.
Smokin Gator 08:09 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by Mr Edmundo:
Hell! I'm on my way:-)
Come on down brother!!! With the stash you would bring I doubt I have anything you would want:-):-)
icehog3 09:57 AM 01-02-2009
For situation number #1, I would try once to offer something better, and then respect his/her wishes after he told me "no" once.

For #2 and #3, I would ask if there was something they had been wanting to try, and maybe offer some suggestions. If they had no ideas, I would give them something likely better than they would have selected themselves.

#4, if they had no true experience, I would give them something mild but tasty.
TripleF 10:15 AM 01-02-2009
Usually I carry extras as I did New Years Eve, just in case someone asks me if I have an extra cigar for them. If they don't like what I offer....tufff banana's.

htown 10:16 AM 01-02-2009
I never give carte blanche. I always try and match the cigar to the guest- I like people to try new cigars that they might like.
pnoon 10:25 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by htown:
I never give carte blanche. I always try and match the cigar to the guest- I like people to try new cigars that they might like.
I once thought that way, too.

Through the "magic" of the online cigar community, I have forged many deep and lifelong friendships. There are many I know now who are free to smoke anything I own. And I do mean anything.
Mugen910 10:46 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by pnoon:
I once thought that way, too.

Through the "magic" of the online cigar community, I have forged many deep and lifelong friendships. There are many I know now who are free to smoke anything I own. And I do mean anything.
I hope one day to evolve into such a nice guy. :-) I just have to many non-cigar friends that I have seen treat them as phillie blunts. I am usually pretty straight forward so if there is something I was saving because it was given to me by a special person then I would just say so.
Posted via Mobile Device
pnoon 10:56 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
I hope one day to evolve into such a nice guy. :-) I just have to many non-cigar friends that I have seen treat them as phillie blunts. I am usually pretty straight forward so if there is something I was saving because it was given to me by a special person then I would just say so.
Posted via Mobile Device
Whoa. Back the truck up, Bao. I didn't say anyone has carte blanche. Just that many do.

If it were someone who knew little or nothing about cigars, they would be offered a cigar or cigars from which to choose.
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