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Jokes>I have no idea why this makes me laugh.
shilala 09:16 AM 04-20-2010
It's called "Wear the Fox Hat." 21 seconds long, it's a 90's Miller commercial, or so it says.
I just saw it a couple days ago. It has language, probably nsfw, but not where I work. Where I work, that sort of language is encouraged, if not mandatory. :-)
Wear the Fox Hat.
n3uka 09:29 AM 04-20-2010
I have no idea why this makes you laugh either. :-)
shilala 10:25 AM 04-20-2010
Originally Posted by n3uka:
I have no idea why this makes you laugh either. :-)
I'm stupid. It happens. :-)
I think it's the laugh. My kid does that.
Mugen910 10:35 AM 04-20-2010
Originally Posted by n3uka:
I have no idea why this makes you laugh either. :-)

RightAJ 10:36 AM 04-20-2010
Hahaha that was great! The 'he-he' at the end totally makes it..

1badhog07 04:34 PM 04-20-2010
dont get it!
Wolfgang 04:47 PM 04-20-2010
where the focks that = wear the fox hat
yourchoice 05:49 PM 04-20-2010
Made me laugh too. :-)
cle_smoker 08:13 PM 04-20-2010
Good one. :-)
kelmac07 08:32 PM 04-20-2010