This is the first Ministry of Cigars review, and what’s better to start with a cigar that’s not available on the American market? Ministry of Cigars has a focus on news in the international markets, so picking a cigar that isn’t available in the United States seems fitting.
When Skip Martin, the Ma in RoMa Craft, was visiting the German cigar manufacturer and distributor Schuster Zigarren, he got inspired by the warehouse full of tobacco. He included some of the tobacco from the Schuster inventory in the blend of the Wunder|lust. The cigars were initially released just on the German market, but are now available in several other countries too.
Name: RoMa Craft Wunder|lust
Vitola: Petit Belicoso
Size: 4 ⅝ x54
Country: Nicaragua
Factory: Nica Suenos
Wrapper: Mata Fina (Brasil)
Binder: Besuki (Indonesia)
Filler: Undisclosed
Price: € 8,20 (Germany)
Cutter: Xikar X2
Lighter: single flame jet
Smoke conditions: indoors with ventilator
Smoke time: 2:40
Sponsored by Schuster Cigars
The Brazilian wrapper is rough looking, almost leathery, with some tooth, yet quite oily. The ring is great, baby blue with Wunder|lust written in a playful font and the RoMa Craft logo on the back. The construction feels good, with no underfilled or overfilled spots. The cigar has a strong barnyard aroma.
In the cold draw, I taste some leather and spices that show up after lighting too. Leather, earthy flavors and soon toast and herbs. After a centimeter, there is a mild and slightly creamy vanilla sweetness noticeable. After a third, I taste some licorice. Halfway the cigar tastes like smooth cedar, the vanilla lingers around on the background accompanied by some fresh cut grass and a slight metallic aftertaste. Slowly something sour shows up. The final third is peppery with smooth cedar and walnut. In the dying seconds, I taste a little sweetness in the undertone, as support for spice and pepper.
For the final score with a scientific diagram, a video and pictures, go to: