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Kristoff Ligero cigars are patiently handmade in the Dominican Republic. At their core is a blend of well-aged Cuban-seed Dominican and Nicaraguan longfillers, snugly nestled in Cuban-seed Dominican binders. Cuban-seed Honduran Criollo wrappers flawlessly surround the core. The cigars burn true, showing a medium to full-bodied brew of toasted nut and caramel notes, undertones of cedar, and some spice on a sweet finish. This is a must-try cigar for the serious aficionado!
I've had two from the box I got from a Monster deal at Famous. Out freaking standing IMNSHO. Nicely boxed and surrounded by tobacco, bound by a black ribbon and a nice intro card. Great presentation, but the cigars were even better.
Yeah, if I could get them for that price, $109.00 for the box of 20 instead of the regular $139.00, I'd buy them again.
I agree with the toasted nut and caramel notes, but didn't pick up any undertones of cedar, but did get the spice on the sweet finish. Very tasty!