Chainsaw13 12:30 PM 11-29-2011
Thank you Adam! My current single burner died recently and was looking to get a replacement.
Welcome Bob.
If you have Amazon Prime, you might be able to get a better deal on the double burner, it just depends on the taxes, but the HF price on the single is hard to beat.
spectrrr 01:10 PM 11-29-2011
:-), thanks adam! I'm looking for a new heater....
It should be noted that that $70 double burner heater on Amazon prime is only 20,000 btu, rather than 30,000 btu of the harbor freight one.
Originally Posted by spectrrr:
:-), thanks adam! I'm looking for a new heater....
It should be noted that that $70 double burner heater on Amazon prime is only 20,000 btu, rather than 30,000 btu of the harbor freight one.
Good catch Francis, I missed that part entirely.
I did also find this 32K unit at costco for $79.99 (shipping included)
Which, depending on your taxes / if you are charged for the taxes on the internet sale or if you can get a local HF to match their website & coupon, saving you the $7 shipping, kind of determines which is going to be cheaper for you.
Beagleone 02:03 PM 11-29-2011
Cool, I need one of these too. There is a HF nearby so I might have to stop in and grab one this weekend.
spectrrr 02:27 PM 11-29-2011
I've got a HF only 40 minutes up the road, but $7 shipping is cheaper than the gas to get there!
Nice catch on the costco one, that's a great price as well...
SvilleKid 05:02 PM 11-29-2011