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General Discussion>I love my dog but...
bigloo 08:10 AM 08-01-2009
This morning he woke me up at 6am (it is Saturday). I took him out and he made a #2 so small it was almost like a #0.02 and promptly went back to sleep. I cannot get back to sleep. F#$cking dog!
ChasDen 08:17 AM 08-01-2009
Originally Posted by bigloo:
This morning he woke me up at 6am (it is Saturday). I took him out and he made a #2 so small it was almost like a #0.02 and promptly went back to sleep. I cannot get back to sleep. F#$cking dog!
:-) :-) :-)

Same here EVERY DAY !

The wife goes to work at 4 am for a week every 3rd week (they take turns opening early). The dog hasn't figured out it only suppose to be every 3rd week, so if he has not been out by 4:30 every morning he starts poking people with his wet nose.

chippewastud79 08:48 AM 08-01-2009
Luckily my dogs don't stir until I do. They let the wife get up and get ready for work, usually hours before I do and never make a peep until my alarm goes off and I start moving. Sorry about your luck, but I feel you pain about not being able to fall back asleep, happens to me a lot. :-)
kelmac07 09:39 AM 08-01-2009
But you can't stay mad when they look up at you and then wag that little tail.

markem 09:41 AM 08-01-2009
Every morning sometime between 5am and 7am, my greyhound gets up and starts whining. He rarely needs to go out, but insteads wants to go lay down on the couch in the TV room. Mind you, he just spent all night sleeping on the couch in bedroom. I have a strange dog.
bigloo 10:25 AM 08-01-2009
update... dog is still sleeping and has not moved since this morning. :-)
shilala 10:30 AM 08-01-2009
I'd trade him in on a cat.
I throw my cat out at night and let him in in the morning.
Works out real well. :-)
kelmac07 11:07 AM 08-01-2009
Originally Posted by bigloo:
update... dog is still sleeping and has not moved since this morning. :-)
To steal a quote from the Waterboy..."Well, go wake his a$$ up!!!"

groogs 11:20 AM 08-01-2009
My dog likes to wake me up at 2:00 in the morning so he can get a drink. He whines like ne needs to go outside, then he gets a drink and trots back to bed. It is anoying, but I still love my dog.
taltos 11:55 AM 08-01-2009
My Himilayan cat from hell starts trying to get me up at 2am. I normally give into him between 4 and 5 am. Annoying but after 14 years I am used to it and he is my best buddy.
JE3146 01:06 PM 08-01-2009
time for a dog whistle :-)
larryinlc 01:20 PM 08-01-2009
Having just recently lost my little buddy after fifteen years, I can only dream of those little bad habits that drive us all nuts. I would give anything to be awakened in the middle of the night for that unnecessary look around the yard sniffing up a rabbit or two. You just never realize how wonderful that early morning barking sounds until it's gone. The void they leave is painful but the years of joy they brought will be forever cherished.

borndead1 01:28 PM 08-01-2009
Originally Posted by larryinlc:
Having just recently lost my little buddy after fifteen years, I can only dream of those little bad habits that drive us all nuts. I would give anything to be awakened in the middle of the night for that unnecessary look around the yard sniffing up a rabbit or two. You just never realize how wonderful that early morning barking sounds until it's gone. The void they leave is painful but the years of joy they brought will be forever cherished.


Well said, bro. I still have dreams about the dog I had growing up.
icehog3 09:48 PM 08-01-2009
Originally Posted by larryinlc:
Having just recently lost my little buddy after fifteen years, I can only dream of those little bad habits that drive us all nuts. I would give anything to be awakened in the middle of the night for that unnecessary look around the yard sniffing up a rabbit or two. You just never realize how wonderful that early morning barking sounds until it's gone. The void they leave is painful but the years of joy they brought will be forever cherished.

Ain't it the truth, Larry.
Tenor CS 09:57 PM 08-01-2009
Over the years, I've lost:

King (German Shepherd)
Princess (Siberian Husky)
Tinkerbell (Pug)
Reno (Pomeranian)
Samson (Husky)
Goliath (Husky, Samson's Brother)
Max (Husky/Chow Mix, 1/2 Brother to Samson and Goliath)

Sherrie (Dom. Short Hair Tabby)

As much as it hurt to lose them, almost every pet we had growing up was either found by us or given to us. To know the joy they brought into my life, and also knowing that we kept all of those animals out of shelters brings me a warm fuzzy feeling.
bigloo 01:31 AM 08-02-2009
Someone asked me a couple of days ago why you would get a dog if you knew it would be gone in 10-12 years. I told him I guess you are or are not a dog person. I came home tonight after being out for six hours and my dog (Swedgin the french bulldog) is sitting on the couch next to me... cannot take his big eyes off me..... unconditional love both ways!
RHNewfie 05:10 AM 08-02-2009
This would have been a great thread to read at 6AM when our Lab pup got me up! Its better than the 5AM when she used to get up. But when she comes and lays her head on me while I am having coffee I wouldn't change it for the world!! Dogs are awesome!
Cigary 12:27 PM 08-02-2009
For everything Mans Best Friend does that might be considered annoying,,,,at the end of the day they still love you unconditionally and every time you come home they can't wait to see you. Humans should have this kind of mind set,,,,we have 2 dogs that are closer to us than our family and I wouldn't trade them for anything.