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All Cigar Discussion>I made a bad mistake
GreekGodX 09:46 PM 06-16-2009
I was at a B&M the other day. One of the patrons just finished a Opus X petit corona, walks into the humi, and pulls out a Acid Nasty. I was dumbfounded. If I would have known he was gonna do that I would have slapped him in the face and taken his Opus.

Friends don't let friends try an Acid.
Waynegro1 10:50 PM 06-16-2009
I've had one and couldn't stand it! I don't like flavored/infused (whatever you want to call it) cigars. I'm not a fan of their marketing, I just don't like stogie's flavored!!
It's like a ugly person pouring a ton of cologne/perfume on, no matter how hard they try they're still ugly. Pour/infuse all the flavors you want and it's still crap, IMO. Like my pop always said, "You can't polish a turd".

Hell, I don't even like flavored water. :-)
chippewastud79 12:30 AM 06-17-2009
Its really astonishing how people can claim to be aficianados and still have the Acid in their regular rotation to me. I suppose, to each his own and smoke what you like. But to read people who "have been smoking for years" talk about the great Acid they smoked the other day is just odd to me. :-)

I suppose that if cuban cigars are rolled on the thighs of virgins, then Acids are the ones rolled on the thighs of over-worked strippers after a nice night of work. It really imparts that flavored body lotion smell on the cigars. :-)
NCRadioMan 12:35 AM 06-17-2009
Originally Posted by ade06:
Do the troops also request flavored Phillies Blunts too? I can only believe that the quality tobacco in Acids are simular to the Phillies.
Actually, Drew Estate uses very good quality tobacco. They just f it up with their infusion process. :-)
Bax 02:08 AM 06-17-2009
Menthol cigarette smokers = Acid lovers. :-) Plus I think if that's all you've had that's what you like. Think of people smoking phillies and black and milds. For them an Acid is a treat.

I'll need your addy to send my tounge scraper over. It's the only way to remove the taste:-)
troutbreath 05:27 AM 06-17-2009
I've never tried an Acid, and don't really plan to. But, I don't fault those who do like them. We all have different tastes -- not everything in my humidor is going to be appealing to other inmates here, either.

Personally, I love the taste of tobacco and wouldn't want to mask it artificially.
OLS 01:53 PM 06-17-2009
Well, last night I was sorting out a new buy from JR for the troops. I was told that they would really love ACIDs,
or more accurately, that when the packages come in, as soon as they are opened, everybody grabs for the ACIDs. So I thought OK, I will order ONE sampler for 50 clams and send out one here and one there. So I am looking at them last night, and I was set lo light up a KubaKuba just to get a frame of reference, and I kept smelling it and thinking, "should I or shouldn't I"?
Well, one and done kind of describes my expectations, I just KNEW in the end that I would toss it, so why waste it. So I bagged them all up individually and took the tin, filled it with something else and enclosed a note that said, "SUCKERS! Now enjoy these other fine smokes with my apologies."
I will not categorize one way or the other the preference of some of the troops for ACIDS.
I just don't understand it. But I can't figure out the way the young kids dance either, although I get it that it's like sex, except on a dance floor. Plus it takes alot less skill than dancing did in my day. Much less likely that you look like a total dork.
I ALMOST smoked one of the 5 C-Note cigarillos, thinking that one less of those wouldn't hurt, and I could smoke the whole thing and get an idea of what a full sized hand rolled would be. Didn't even have the guts to do that.
e-man67 01:58 PM 06-17-2009
The Acid Nasty is the WORST cigar on the planet! Sooooo smoking an incense cone.
darkninja67 02:54 PM 06-17-2009
Somehow I knew Acid would be the mistake before clicking on the thread. lol
Tazziedevil 03:10 PM 06-17-2009
I seem to be in the minority, but I like both the acid and ambrosia! I wouldn't smoke one everyday but yeah, I do like them :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
csbrewfisher 03:19 PM 06-17-2009
Originally Posted by OLS:
So I am looking at them last night, and I was set lo light up a KubaKuba just to get a frame of reference, and I kept smelling it and thinking, "should I or shouldn't I"?
The aroma of urinal cake got to you? Heh heh.
The Poet 03:24 PM 06-17-2009
I could tell you a good story about Acid, but it involves an old herfin' pal of mine who's now with Drew. Mebbe face-to-face I'd share, but not on here.

Suffice it to say, it follows the main thread of this thread - Acid sucks, and not in a good way.
TanithT 08:13 PM 06-17-2009
Some things in life are just self-evident, or they oughtta be. Don't eat the big white mints, and don't smoke a cigar that smells like one.
jerseystepup 08:30 PM 06-17-2009
Honestly... i myself hate them and would rather not smoke than smoke one.. But my fiance will have one every once and a while on the deck with me while im smoking.. No she wont smoke regular sticks.. just acids or cao dreams... smoking with the woman is a really nice and relaxing time, so i take what i can get and dont complain..

however if one of my buddies pulled one out.. theyd no doubt get hell!
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