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General Discussion>It's a sad day. . .
No1der 01:17 AM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Posted yesterday in your favorite thread. :-)

Assumed to have happened there. No public details were given. Not even sure if it was posted publicly there but it was here. I read the inference as it was someone here but no direct accusations were made. Personal threats are not tolerated anywhere. Worse when it's towards the volunteer unpaid janitorial staff who take the heat without a slice of the meat.
Well, that is absolutely 100% wrong. Sounds like someone isn't all that stable if they are threatening someones family or personal safety over a website.

If it were a threat against the website itself it still wouldn't be right but I can certainly see certain groups doing that (not that that is right either) but threatening a mod/person should be reported to the police.

Don Fernando 02:55 AM 01-26-2009
people being threathened is never ok, but if Blaylock recieved some negative feedback then he probably deserved it. He gave me infractions for being unrespectful but at the same time he was calling me names. How's that for abusing the powers that you have as a mod?

Ok, this is the only thing I will say about this on CA, as I don't want to start any inter-board war. CA is my home now like CS was my home before all the changes. And (tongue in cheek) I feel like a fish in the water here :-)
kayak_rat 07:02 AM 01-26-2009
We support you Aaron......on the boards or Facebook.
Skywalker 07:26 AM 01-26-2009
I usually stay away from anything controversial but wrong is wrong!

Most of us joined for the pure enjoyment of the leaf and to gain a little knowledge. It's a big community and small (immature) people are threatened by big things!!!

"That's all I'm gonna say about that!!!"

Blueface 07:41 AM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Threats are unacceptable. Why someone would threaten another over a cigar forum is beyond me....the couple threats I received at CS I chalked up to "internet tough guys"....I doubt any of them would have had the balls to say it to my face.

Words more true have never been spoken. If they do say it to your face, check first to see if they happen to be blind.

Sad indeed when folks take things so seriously to threaten someone's family or well being.
Fortunately, the majority of times, they are just words not followed by actions.
The frightening part is knowing when they are just more than words.
Scottw 07:51 AM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
You are wise sir. Change is hard for most. It's a downward level of interboard BS from here forward. Tables are set, most folks are seated at their preferred one by now. I look forward to a happier relationship with them as their new environement gels and the paranoia decreases allowing more varied conversation.

Montecristo#2 it cuts both ways on comments. Got a scathing nasty RG comment there a few weeks ago from a senior member I consider at minimum "friendly". Chalk it up to the heated times and we all have better ones in front of us. It's part of the job and a bigger part in times of upheaval. No excuses or tolerance for threats though. Got a few there, kept and dealt with it there, but completely understand the feelings involved.

Being a mod there is not what most expect looking at it from the outside. Thankless janitorial duty for the most part. In that.. it's not a whole lot different than here. The big difference, and the one that has caused the noise is simple.. we got a fresh start here..easier, it is, and has stayed what it was stated to be from day 1. There, much change and evolving representations has taken place so it's understandable that the level of noise is much greater. New guy having to affect change and a new mod team to help shepard it... made it all the harder. You guys did good work it's the situation not your efforts.

Take a break from the boards, smoke a few, snuggle with the one you love and come back with a better perspective... these are just silly little cigar boards that we all at times take to seriously.
Well put Klugs, I always feel a little wiser after reading your words. (or maybe it's the booze).
SeanGAR 08:01 AM 01-26-2009
Negs, who cares.

Threats ... well, that just rots my bag.

Needless to say, the person making the threats is a loser who assuredly has been the victim of atomic wedgies many times, perhaps recently.
Redbaron 08:08 AM 01-26-2009
Threats are unacceptable. Why someone would threaten another over a cigar forum is beyond me....the couple threats I received at CS I chalked up to "internet tough guys"....I doubt any of them would have had the balls to say it to my face.


I backed mine up! :-)
Da Klugs 08:10 AM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
Negs, who cares.

Threats ... well, that just rots my bag.

Needless to say, the person making the threats is a loser who assuredly has been the victim of atomic wedgies many times, perhaps recently.
:-) Hope they dealt with it swiftly and justly.
rizzle 08:29 AM 01-26-2009
My two cents...I wouldn't waste any time being concerned over receiving a threat off an internet cigar board. I also think that for whoever sent it that it is one of the most childish, classless, ridiculous, and meaningless things that anyone could take the time to do.

Some people need to grow up. And some never do.
SilverFox 08:43 AM 01-26-2009
If the threat was of a personal and violent nature I think it should be 100% reported to the police. Any kind of threat of violence has no place in today's society never mind over the interactions on an open forum. 99.9% of the time the threat is as Tom says not having any merit nor will to back it in person. But that other 0.1% of the time **** happens. If people are held responsible for their words then perhaps they will think before uttering or typing them. I would take any personal threat against me or my family very seriously regardless of source.

I may not agree with the board and its owner and as such spend my time here but I hold the Mods over there in respect for the thankless job that they do under trying circumstances.

I apologize to you from the rest of humanity for the actions of whoever threatened you.
icehog3 10:27 AM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by Redbaron:
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Threats are unacceptable. Why someone would threaten another over a cigar forum is beyond me....the couple threats I received at CS I chalked up to "internet tough guys"....I doubt any of them would have had the balls to say it to my face.
I backed mine up! :-)
Whatever, Claude Lemeiux. :-) :-)
LasciviousXXX 01:47 PM 01-26-2009
Aaron, you know I love you brother and its never easy to see a friend caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately that seems to be the case lately as more and more of our friends find themselves in a position where they feel they need to take sides.

The ironic part is that no one needs to do anything they don't feel like doing. If they like it here, rock on, if they like it there, have it. If they like both places, more power to ya! While I don't agree with many things going on past/present and future over there, I voice my opinion by not contributing. That's all I have really.

I feel the the most empathy for my friends caught between both places. Just know, that its never an us or them thing with me brother. Call me anytime.
Nick 03:37 PM 01-26-2009
I was an active member of the CS pipe forums. After the change it just isn't quite right, I still contribute on that board but this feels like home to me and I want to help this board grow and prosper.
shilala 03:58 PM 01-26-2009
Well said, Dustin.
I'd just like to point out that no one is "caught" anywhere.
All 11 of the 11 pulled the plug and walked when CS became less than savory. About 1500 guys followed, me included.
It's as simple as pulling the plug, Aaron.
No one needs the cross forum drama, it's not helping anyone. I know you're trying to help at CS and have the best of intentions, but if you're hurting yourself and helping perpetuate the drama, who are you helping?
Rip the friggin plug out and come hang with your brothers here who love you, want your company, and appreciate your contributions.
Your other option is to stay there, take a beating, be unappreciated and threatened.
It feels like an easy decision to me, and your presence here would certainly be a positive asset to CA.
I'm sure you don't owe Pvff or Caputo anything, and he'll likely have a far easier transition without our CS brothers trying to "smooth the waters".
I've thought from day one that taking new mods from the membership at CS was a bad idea because they'd carry the CS philosophy along with them. The CS philosophy is not one that's going to fit into Jon's vision. It simply can't. It's not a bad thing that it doesn't fit, it's just a fact.
Trying to hang on to the "old way" and incorporate it into the "pvff way" only adds grief, drama, controversy, and hits. It serves Jon's vision at the cost of friendships, and his bottom line increases.

I shudder every time I see one of these threads here because it costs bad feelings and tears off old scabs. Caputo made this mess and benefits from each one of these dramatic outpourings. Every time it happens, hard feelings erupt and friendships are taxed or destroyed, yet Jon benefits through increased traffic, which is all he needs to succeed.
It's not my place to ask, but I hope you'll keep the pvff drama at pvff and not hog this place up with it.
In turn, I'll promise not to hog pvff up with the internal drama that happen here (not that we have any).
I hope you'll hang out with us and make this your home whether you decide to stay on there or not. I sure don't agree with your decision to help Jon out, but I certainly respect it. I hope you'll respect this place by keeping his trash there and spending your quality time with us. :-)
That'd be good for every single one of us, I think. :-)
icehog3 04:02 PM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's not my place to ask, but I hope you'll keep the pvff drama at pvff and not hog this place up with it.
In turn, I'll promise not to hog pvff up with the internal drama that happen here (not that we have any).
I hope you'll hang out with us and make this your home whether you decide to stay on there or not. I sure don't agree with your decision to help Jon out, but I certainly respect it. I hope you'll respect this place by keeping his trash there and spending your quality time with us. :-)
That'd be good for every single one of us, I think. :-)
Subliminal message for my temporary anger, Scott? :-)
shilala 10:41 PM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Subliminal message for my temporary anger, Scott? :-)
No Tom-specific hoggage impressed or implied, my brother. :-)
I haven't even been keeping up with all the goings on. My attention span really sucks nowadays. hehe :-)
montecristo#2 11:40 PM 01-26-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Aaron, you and I have traveled down the road together in the past, and I hope we will continue to do so in the future. You are a good man, and I know that you are doing what you feel is for

I hope we get a chance to both Cyberherf and to herf together in 2009.
I will drink or I mean smoke to that. Sorry about the email the other day, I hope it did not catch you off guard. Life has been a wee bit stressful lately. :-)

Originally Posted by kayak_rat:
We support you Aaron......on the boards or Facebook.
I will say one thing, if my bosses are on facebook during the day at work, I don't think they can really get made a me if I am as well. :-)

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
Aaron, you know I love you brother and its never easy to see a friend caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately that seems to be the case lately as more and more of our friends find themselves in a position where they feel they need to take sides. . .
Thanks Dustin - I will send you a note through one of these places tomorrow when I have some more time.

Originally Posted by shilala:
It's as simple as pulling the plug, Aaron. . . It's not my place to ask, but I hope you'll keep the pvff drama at pvff and not hog this place up with it.
While I respectfully disagree with some of the stuff in your post, it was well thought out and I do appreciate that. I have a lot of friends on this forum, that is why I continue to browse, read and post from time to time.
icehog3 12:28 AM 01-27-2009
Originally Posted by montecristo#2:
I will drink or I mean smoke to that. Sorry about the email the other day, I hope it did not catch you off guard. Life has been a wee bit stressful lately. :-)

No apologies or explanations necessary, my Brother. I know all too well what stress can bring. Looking forward to our herf of either kind.
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