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General Discussion>Acai Berry juice
hotreds 05:31 PM 01-01-2009
Anybody had miraculous results with this stuff?
Rockestone 05:35 PM 01-01-2009
My neighbor gave me the whole sale pitch on this stuff. No doubt that berry from South America is healthy, but I'm not so sure it's worth the money they want for the juice.

I've seen claims where it improves your vision and can help cancer patients???

I'm a little skeptical.:-)
floydpink 05:38 PM 01-01-2009
Acai has been mixed in the fruit drink bars in Brazil forever, mostly along the beaches. Judging by the bodies, it doesn't hurt.

Guarana berries from the Amazon supposedly hold magical powers as well, but just upset my stomach in the powder form.

Both are dirt cheap in Brazil, but overhyped, overpriced, and slickly packaged here for all the Americans trying to break the spell of aging and desiring to lose the fat that they pick up every day at the drive through.
Ace$nyper 05:41 PM 01-01-2009
Originally Posted by Rockestone:
My neighbor gave me the whole sale pitch on this stuff. No doubt that berry from South America is healthy, but I'm not so sure it's worth the money they want for the juice.

I've seen claims where it improves your vision and can help cancer patients???

I'm a little skeptical.:-)
LOL same here.

I said same as I do to anyone who offers me a MLM marketing thing if it works so well you pay for my expenses then. That normally stops any sales pitches at that point.

Just out of boredom I got a few bottles of juice for a few bucks compared to the 40+ he wanted.

Can't say it did anything nor did it taste great.
hotreds 05:47 PM 01-01-2009
Guarana is basically caffeine- I can understand the powder might make you sick to your stomach! Yup- I can't turn around or open my emails w/o seeing more crap about the damn Acai berry. Last year- I mean in 2007, wasn't it the Kona berry or something? A fool and his money are, in fact, quickly departed!
Sailchaser 07:32 PM 01-01-2009
I was told by my doc to start eating vegetables any way that I could and it would make me feel better and help me to lose some weight. Well he was right I have a glass of the V8 fusion Acia Berry Juice daily and have dropped some weight and feel a lot better my vote :-)
ucla695 06:51 AM 01-02-2009
I saw something on TV about this the other day. I was intrigued and went to buy a bottle at Whole Foods (I forget the name of the product), but the price turned me off so I passed. I'm interested to hear what others have to say.
SeanGAR 07:04 AM 01-02-2009
Remember ... you heard it here first .... Goji is the Acai of 2009. Thats not to say Mangosteen isn't stupendous.

Let me give you an example of what you can expect taking Goji.

BEFORE GOJI: Thats me in the suspenders.


AFTER GOJI for 3 weeks:


I look better, I feel better and I'm not oddly facinated with cheap jewelery anymore. :-)
mrreindeer 07:49 AM 01-02-2009
Darnit Sean, I can't see the pic (I'm here at work so that may be the reason) but I can only imagine.

My mother-in-law was hooked on the Acai for awhile and swore by it. But she's the gullible type. She bought us a 4-bottle pack and we tried it on and off for a couple weeks. Obviously, the manufacturers want you to drink their product every day (and spend oodles of dough and you're right, it ain't cheap) and claim that using that regimine, you'll become the next Super Man or Woman.

Who knows....all I do know is that if it sounds too good to be true, well....
hoyohio 07:56 AM 01-02-2009
Acai contains antioxidants that are effective against some types of free radicals. So do blueberries, broccoli, garlic and a number of foods. Is it a magic bullet? I doubt such a thing exists. But if you happen to be exposed to and particularly susceptible to the types of free radicals that Acai is effective against, then it may help you. It helped a friend of mine improve resistance to certain intestinal problems when nothing else would.

So if you are looking for eternal youth, try ancient texts or younger women. Acai is just a food that has some health benefits and tastes pretty good.
nozero 08:22 AM 01-02-2009
I'm interested in it as well, but have been turned off by the ad campaigns as is often the case with sooooo many products.

But, if you call within the next ten minutes...
hotreds 04:34 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by hoyohio:
So if you are looking for eternal youth, try ancient texts or younger women.
Buena Fortuna 05:32 PM 01-25-2009
Has anyone ever tried Halle Berry juice? I heard that can extend your youth...:-):-)
lenguamor 05:36 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by hoyohio:
Acai contains antioxidants that are effective against some types of free radicals. So do blueberries, broccoli, garlic and a number of foods. Is it a magic bullet? I doubt such a thing exists. But if you happen to be exposed to and particularly susceptible to the types of free radicals that Acai is effective against, then it may help you. It helped a friend of mine improve resistance to certain intestinal problems when nothing else would.

So if you are looking for eternal youth, try ancient texts or younger women. Acai is just a food that has some health benefits and tastes pretty good.
So; in your opinion it's not berry, but...cherry.

G G 05:51 PM 01-25-2009
I got into the whole Mona Vie thing. Trust me it wasn't my idea, my wife wanted to get into it because her son got into it and was convinced that it would make him rich. We were distributors for about a month and then they realized someone besides us would do the get rich part. I still have a couple of bottles I think. I have high blood pressure and tryglicerides also. I didn't see any change. Just my two cents worth though. I am usually more skeptical than the wife.
Rock Star 05:53 PM 01-25-2009
Monavie has been good to me
hotreds 07:27 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna:
Has anyone ever tried Halle Berry juice? I heard that can extend your youth...:-):-)
AAlmeter 07:33 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna:
Has anyone ever tried Halle Berry juice? I heard that can extend your youth...:-):-)
Extend your wha??????
shilala 07:47 PM 01-25-2009
I love me some V8. :-)
I think we had some Sobe that had Acai in it and it was kinda kucky.
Starchild 09:27 PM 01-25-2009
Man, I was in on this craze 20 years ago when I had Acai straight from the tree in Brazil. They make a soup like pure' with it and it's pretty good if you add some sugar. It's funny to now be getting spam email that Opra is now endorsing it.

It didn't prevent me from going prematurely bald or anything special.

I would buy it a lot more if it wasn't so darn expensive!