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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Swiss Army Cigar Knife deal at Sears
Ty Atkinson 07:46 PM 01-18-2010

Not sure if this is the correct forumn for this but figured i would give you guys a heads up on this deal, they sell them at my local B&M for almost 90 bucks and seem to be selling on ebay etc pretty high also.

Seen quite a few people that love the thing just ordered one myself.
mcmoyer 04:18 AM 01-19-2010
That is a good price!

sodomanaz 05:35 AM 01-19-2010
8% (was 20% yesterday :-) ) off through cash back as well.
elderboy02 06:08 AM 01-19-2010
That is a good price. I used to work at Sears and when the price ends in a .97 that means it is on clearance. Grab one now if you want one.