boonedoggle 02:27 PM 10-16-2008
I save all the ones I do not destroy when trying to remove them in a big, 2-gallon Ziplock bag. Almost full, but it's cool to see all the stuff I've smoked throughout the years.
kfish 02:57 PM 10-16-2008
I try to save all of mine. Sooner or later I'll figure out something creative to do with them.
dunng 03:04 PM 10-16-2008
Siebec 03:05 PM 10-16-2008
I'm pretty much the same as every one else, I save them in a cigar box, but I'm not quite sure why yet. I guess it's fun to go back and see what I used to smoke all the time.
AriesOpusX 03:41 PM 10-16-2008
I must be the odd ball, I like to light mine on fire.
Boobar 07:47 PM 10-16-2008
I keep mine in a large glass canister that sits by my humidor.
Cigarcop 08:04 PM 10-16-2008
I've filled a few antique cigar jars with them for decoration.
ucla695 08:43 PM 10-16-2008
I take them off the cigar and put'em in a beer stein.